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[Resolved] Think my SLI-DR just died

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i was playing a game when it froze and the sound repeated. after a while the monitor turned itself off and when the pc was reset, i just had 2 looong beeps and no boot.


i have 4 red lights of death on my mobo.


at first i thought it was the graphics card but sincee then i have removed all thats not needed from the case and powered on and the same. since then its just decided not to do a thing when i hit the power switch on the front. not even a fan judder


tried some ram from another pc (same mobo) which i know works in the top orange slot and no joy.


from reading here i figured that means either mobo or PSU maybe? so i tried a diff psu (one that i know works) and same thing. this is with all the cables connected to the mobo.


i am now trying the cmos reset thingy with the batt out and see if that makes a diff. it it doesnt, and i still have no joy turning this thing on - is there anything else i can try?


p.s this is about the 1st pc in the list - the 4400+ X2

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thats what i am going through at the moment mate. just leaving it sit for an hour or 2 before trying.


if that works tho- what does that mean exactly? could it be that a crash led to a dodgy bios or something?

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ok, this worked some how. only prob i have now is that my raided drives now appear to be dead??


all other drives in the system are fine but these are sporadically detected and never both at the same time by the SIl controller for some reason.


the drives themselves also appear not to spin up fully either. weird


on a side note, i will try these in my new conroe system in a few days and see if that picks tem up. fingers crossed

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just to reask the Q above:


what does this fault indicate? it has to be something with the mobo if that reset fixed it but is it something that can reoccur?


i am a little worried about hammering my pc again in case of the same kind of failure again.


if it does happen again - would that be enough reason to RMA the board?

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  • 1 month later...

just an update in case it helps anyone else.


got the mobo stable enough for a new bios flash, been fine since then. lost my raid array during the crash. thankfully, plugged the same 2 drives now into my new bad axe mobo and they were detected again :D - worked fine.


pretty chuffed! :O


i always thought that a bios reset offered on this site would fix things, but it looks like the whole thing got corrupted or summat :)


ah well, working now.

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