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Is it Just me noticing this? AMD rant


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Okay, this is just my opinion and solely based on my geographic Area, San Jose CA. Feel free to comment/debate. Have fun!:



It is VERY visable to see AMD prices on socket 939 processors have significantly dropped in the past 3 weeks. It is a great deal to purchase these processors at the current time and anyone who felt that they were out of their price range should react quickly and for due reason(s).



HOWEVER, for the past week, I have been contiplating buying either a 4000+ Single core or a X2 4800+ Duel core. I am sad to say, the begininning of the week had the 4000+ at the lowest price ever. About $139+shipping and the 4800 X2 was about $325.


Everyday I have been noticing a slight increase in price and now the X2 4800+ is back up to $354, which is a whole lot better than the $640 it was going for, however the point made is that, in a few weeks, these MASSIVE price drops are going to be dissapated and back up to almost regular prices. The great performance that I couldnt afford earlier is slowly becoming a replayed picture in the weeks to come.



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Keep in mind AMD (along with companies that sell AMD processors) want to maximize profits as much as possible. Since all the hype about Conroe has diminished somewhat, they don't need quite the price cuts right now. Of course if Conroe appears to be all that the engineering samples were, that could change.

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Similar to the last Athlon XP (socketA) I purchased. I bought a Barton 3200+, they discontinued the line and they got cheaper, but a few weeks later they were so rare and in demand that prices shot back up and I think they might be more expensive now than they were originally.


I am not sure if the same reasoning applies to my example.

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Similar to the last Athlon XP (socketA) I purchased. I bought a Barton 3200+, they discontinued the line and they got cheaper, but a few weeks later they were so rare and in demand that prices shot back up and I think they might be more expensive now than they were originally.


I am not sure if the same reasoning applies to my example.

i had the same problem, i wanted a barton 3200+ so bad, they got dirt cheap (i didnt buy), and when i was ready they were worth their weight in gold (or more!)


i hope the same doesn't happen with s939 ;)

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looks like real users with real conroe cpu's are now showing everyone that they really aren't all that great after all


I mean, they are a bit better than anything AMD has out, but not for the money they want really...it's always going to be about "bang for the buck" and right now the best bang for the buck is still a $150-$250 AMD64 cpu, especially a dual-core ;)

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I was going to advise bookmarking Newegg, Pricegrabber, Monarch, and a few other retailers for the specific search you are after, and checking twice a day until you find "that special deal" you want.


That's how I got into trouble.

I knew the Opty 165's had been around $300 and OCing like crazy, but had shot up in price to at least $350.

I did my searches and stumbled on to a one-day Xmas sale at Monarch for an OEM 165 at $270. I bought without having a clue as to any other components I'd need.


But I just visited Monarch and whoot - the same OEM Opty 165 for $255!

Add another $15 for a three year guarantee, if you want (I did ;).




I'll go post this in "Deals", too.


Good Luck!

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Similar to the last Athlon XP (socketA) I purchased. I bought a Barton 3200+, they discontinued the line and they got cheaper, but a few weeks later they were so rare and in demand that prices shot back up and I think they might be more expensive now than they were originally.


I am not sure if the same reasoning applies to my example.

Heh, that happened with my XP Barton 3000+.

I used it for 18 months then sold it for $10 more than I paid new for it. (Sold in November/December 2005).

I actually paid less for my A64 3200+ Venice at the same time than my barton was worth.

I have no idea why people would possibly choose Socket A over Socket 939 when the prices are the same.

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There are several forces at work here.


The first is supply and demand. Even though the AMD price cuts were wide and deep, retailers still will adjust their price based upon demand.


The second is perceived value. With the reduction in price, the AMD processors are still the top value at most price points.


You will see both AMD and Intel prices fluctuate for a while as the market forces start to equalize.


Additionally, lots of people held off building a new rig in anticipation of Core 2 Duo(Conroe) release based upon early performance numbers. The level of hype generated was unprecedented for a new processor release. The early release of performance data was constrained by the Non-Disclosure Agreement limiting the value of the data but this was misunderstood by many and ignored by those with an agenda.


Once the first few actual shipping processors hit the street and folks could see the result of the restrictive NDA data, they realized that the Core 2 Duo was not the mighty AMD killer they had been led to believe with the new AMD pricing.


That said, I plan to purchase a Core 2 Duo when price and availability stabilize a bit. There are definite performance increases available with the Core 2 Duo over the current AMD line in certain computational functions. I intend to build a rig around one just for video editing and encoding. In addition to the Core 2 Duo processor, I will have to spend a lot of money for a new motherboard and the required DDR2 RAM.


For many of my uses an AMD X2 4400 is more than enough processor. That's why I got one at the new price as soon as it was available. All the hardware was ready and all I did was pull my 3700 San Diego and pop the new processor in. DONE!


If you want a good read you can head over to the Intel Hardware forum at xtremesystems and watch the drama as they try to get their hands on a Core 2 Duo processor. Some guys have had their motherboard for three months just waiting on a processor. Others are placing and canceling orders with different retailers as rumors about availability swirl.


With the tight availability, retailers are getting as much as 50% above retail. Others have consigned their inventory to ebay sellers where they are getting 100% above retail from people dying to get their hands on a Core 2 Duo.


My distributor says I will have availability Monday, August 7th. I'm not holding my breath.

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My distributor says I will have availability Monday, August 7th. I'm not holding my breath.


Same here, and no later than the 14th. Whatever..I'd like to get it as soon as possible, but I'm under no illusions that they intend to fullfill that.

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