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Urgent Help Needed

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Hey Guys, The problem I am having is regarding my DFI LanPartyUT nF4-D. I did have it running on my AMD Athlon 64 3500+ Venice, But I after I put the voltage too high my CPU in the Bios my PC shut off. Then the problem that I had was that my PC would not start, so I removed my CPU from my motherboard and then my Mobo started up just fine with everything connected to it. Then I assumed that my CPU was gone, I purchased my new AMD Opteron 170 Denmark and recieved it about 3 days ago. I reset the CMOS, Jumpers, Power and then placed my Opty in and my PC fired up but I was stuck on the 4 Red Diagnostic Led on my Motherboard which was CPU detection, and also when I turned on my PC I was unable to turn it off, I tired my case power button, the onboard swtich on my mobo and it would not shut off unless I killed the power to my Comp. Now this happened twice so then I decided to reset my CMOS to try again, and got the same results. Then I tried a 1 Hour CMOS reset and then my PC didnt turn on at all. I then removed the CPU and just connected my Motherboard and still it would not Turn on. When I turned on my PSU i just got the Standby LED near the diagnostic leds, but the LED near the VDimm slots didnt turn on. So is my mobo messed up?, Was my Venice good and it was the mobo that Died?. I would love to use my new 400$ Opty so any help on how to fix this issue would be helpful.

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When you say


"Then the problem that I had was that my PC would not start, so I removed my CPU from my motherboard and then my Mobo started up just fine with everything connected to it."


What do you mean exactly, what happend when you booted it up without a CPU attatched?

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When I booted up my Motherboard without my 3500+ Venice It powered on fine is what I meant. Everything in my PC turned on but I was stuck on the 4th red led because obvisouly I didnt have a CPU in, but when I stuck my 3500+ back into the MB, it would not turn on. All i would get it the one standby LED near the 4 diagnostic leds, thats it. So this is why I assumed my CPU had died and purchased my new Opty 170.

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Did you perform ExRoadies' full and proper CMOS clear and reset after you installed your new CPU?


His guide can be found in my sig. titled "Disaster Recovery".


Follow each step exactly, pay special attention to the Insert/Delete key sequence.

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Can you get into the bios?Tmods bios cd,if you have it maybe you can boot off of it and reflash your bios then a cmos clearing then to optimize default then your desire settings.You may of just dorked your bios and did not need new processor?? Just a thought.

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I cant even turn on my PC so I wont be in the Bios, When I turned on my PC with my Opty 170 it booted up at least 4 times fine but kept getting stuck on the 4th LED. But after the 1 hour CMOS reset is when it wont turn on at all anymore and I still do not see the Vdimm LED turn on. At this point I just want my MotherBoard to turn on:cool:

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Do what wevsspot said and follow the instructions to the letter.


Be prepared to do the 24 hour clear.


Post back your results.

What you are experiencing is the ole "cold boot" issue.


I was having the same problem and cleared the CMOS for 24 hours as ExRoadie explained. It worked for me.

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The lower(PCI) Amber LED is the 5VSB indicator. The upper Amber LED is the RAM voltage indicator. Once the rig has started and been shut down the RAM LED will go out until the PSU is power cycled.


The PSU must be turned off and the start button pressed to clear the power signals to the Amber LEDs. Once this is done and the PSU is turned back on the RAM Amber LED should come back on.

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