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Problems...overheating etc.

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I'm running in winxp x64 and usually my system takes about 50s to load but occasional it will take two or three times that long for no apparent reason.

I've gotten some funny looking sg readings:



my system seems to be running hot which is strange because nothing is OC'd and the other day it auto-turned off for hitting 60C. The ambient room temperature was kind of high (80, 85F or so) but I don't think that that shouldn't have such a dramatic effect.


I'm using the stock heatsink/fan and have five case fans going. I had originally planned to OC this thing to like 2.2 since I had assumed it should run cold (basically being an underclocked FX-60 and all) What is going on? Did I get the proc they accidentally dropped in the clean room?

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I'm running in winxp x64 and usually my system takes about 50s to load but occasional it will take two or three times that long for no apparent reason.

I've gotten some funny looking sg readings:



my system seems to be running hot which is strange because nothing is OC'd and the other day it auto-turned off for hitting 60C. The ambient room temperature was kind of high (80, 85F or so) but I don't think that that shouldn't have such a dramatic effect.


I'm using the stock heatsink/fan and have five case fans going. I had originally planned to OC this thing to like 2.2 since I had assumed it should run cold (basically being an underclocked FX-60 and all) What is going on? Did I get the proc they accidentally dropped in the clean room?


ther was thermal material on the bottom of the stock heatsink correct? I would try re-mounting the heatsink with AS5 as the TIM. Is your heatsink fan on full blast? IS the fan plugged into the motherboard in the righ location? you shouldnt be getting 60C not OC'd

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Room temps can have a huge effect on your temps. Also having alot of fans can help but they have to be flowing the right way. Have you tryed with the side cover off? See what your temps are with it off. If they are lower, then you may have issues with the way the fans are blowing.


On the room temp, I had to move my system, even H2O cooling, to my basement. My livingroom was 80*-90*f. Basement temps are like 65*-70*f and that dropped my CPU temp by 10*-15*c. It runs at like 28*-32*c now,

depending on what overclock I have on it. They were sometimes running over 40*c, stock and that was not good.


Other then that, I can only say to try another CPU, just to see if it runs hot too, if so it is the room or the fans. See if a friend or someone can bring theirs over to your house so you can test it in the same conditions.


I looked at your other post and Im not sure why you are getting those odd numbers. Have you installed MBM5 with the nF4 file? Also you may want to get a temp monitor, so you can put probes in diffrent spots, they will give you an idea, but they may be off a 2-5*c. The Bios are the closest to real temps, so follow them. Hope that helps, sorry if it does not, Good luck!

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I don't know what mbm5 is so no, what is that where do I get it?


also I noticed that in the bios it lists the core as bein about 36, the chipset being at 45


when I load up windows SG lists the system as being 35 and the cpu being 45?

and if I run oblivion for 10m the listed system temp goes to 45...this seems wrong


...and yeah there was thermal material on the heatsink out of the box

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