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SATA Non Raid setup

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I have just put together this system (as shown in sig.) but am having real problems configuring the SATA drives. This is the first time I have used SATA drives so excuse the ignorance.

I am using 2 SATA drives in NON RAID. What is the best way to set them up? I found that the only way I could set them up was as STRIPE RAID drives but I am pretty sure that this is wrong. Can someone talk me through the best way to configure them in the BIOS and in the RAID BIOS (do they need to be configured as RAID/RAID5 ENABLED drives?) and the best way to install XP PRO + SP3 (which seems to include the latest RAID drivers).

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I have just put together this system (as shown in sig.) but am having real problems configuring the SATA drives. This is the first time I have used SATA drives so excuse the ignorance.

I am using 2 SATA drives in NON RAID. What is the best way to set them up? I found that the only way I could set them up was as STRIPE RAID drives but I am pretty sure that this is wrong. Can someone talk me through the best way to configure them in the BIOS and in the RAID BIOS (do they need to be configured as RAID/RAID5 ENABLED drives?) and the best way to install XP PRO + SP3 (which seems to include the latest RAID drivers).


you should be able to plug and play, if not using raid, dont configure anyhting in raid bios, make sure you dont have any jumpers on the drives also. have you tired one at a time? make sure sata ports are enalbed in genie bios

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Tried installing XP PRO + SP3 on Raptor SATA drive (other disconnected), RAID DISABLED, SATA 1 & 2 and SATA 3 & 4 ENABLED in Genie BIOS.

Drive shows fine at post, boot XP PRO + SP3 CD, format drive, install windows - all fine. Then when pc reboots to after completing install windows starts to load from drive then BSOD flashes up (too brief to read anything), then pc reboots or goes to hardware configuration error screen (safe mode, last known configuration that worked properly, load windows normally, blah blah).

I have tried this process with F6 to install SATA contoller and without. I have tried F6 with the SATA drivers that come with the motherboard but always get the message "the drivers on disk are older than drivers on windows cd". I have tried using the drivers on disk anyway but setup can never find them later in setup process!

Beginning to lose the rag on this one, any help much appreciated as I feel that iv run out of options.

Can someone please list exact process of installing 2 SATA drives in NON RAID?


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Make sure the drives are plugged in the SATA ports to the right of the chipset/ on top the clear cmos jumper.


In the bios make sure RAID mode = disabled.

Now when you do this the bios at POST screen should show it detecting IDE3/IDE4.


From here you just need to think of it as an IDE drive and install windows as normal.

No need to press F6.


That is it.


Other things to consider

- Did you plug all 3 power connectors into the board?

- Is the pc memtest stable?

- Memory in the orange slots?

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Just to clarify, which is the best SATA ports to use - the nForce 4 or the Silicon Image 3114 ones. I am aware that the nForce 4 run at 3gb/s as opposed to 1.5gb/s with the SI ones but as I am using SATA and not SATA 2 it shouldn't matter.

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Just to clarify, which is the best SATA ports to use - the nForce 4 or the Silicon Image 3114 ones. I am aware that the nForce 4 run at 3gb/s as opposed to 1.5gb/s with the SI ones but as I am using SATA and not SATA 2 it shouldn't matter.


Nvidia is definitely better for booting from.


You should have no problem just hooking up a drive and installin Windows on it. You should probably make sure RAID is disable on 1/2 if you intend on putting single drives on it, then enable raid on 3/4 for your RAID 1 array (as an example).


If the drive IS working correctly (run checkdisc) and Windows is still not installing properly, you probably have a memory issue (run memtest) or your CD is (possibly) corrupted.

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I have just cleared the CMOS and loaded BIOS optimized defaults. Then I have changed the Sil 3114 S-ATA BIOS option to SATA and made sure that SATA 1/2 are ENABLED. My raptor reads fine in the BIOS (it's connected to the nForce 4 SATA 1 port). I install XP PRO + SP3 to it but after install I get a BSOD everytime windows tries to boot from the HD. I am beggining to think that the motherboard must be faulty as I have managed to rule out all other components. I put this system together a few weeks ago with an old 40gb PATA drive operating as the boot drive and it all worked fine. I also connected my Raptor as an additional drive to this setup and it worked fine. Any ideas what might be causing this problem? Faulty motherboard maybe? I have run out of ideas.

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