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WTF is wrong with kids today?


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Guest Halvis

I havent read all the responses... but I was reading at another forum about little kids "showing out" in public, stores, restaurants, movie theatres, etc.


I really don't blame the kids, I blame the PARENTS! I never did that crap, because I knew what the consequences would be, my son never has, in my presence, ditto.


So many times I see these "parents", that look like they are attempting some kind of "negotiation" with their kids. I want to go smack the parents upside the head, myself.

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kinda late to say this , but me and my friends were at ceres skatepark this kied liek 12-14 is trying liek a nollie shovit off this ledge.(u prob dont knwo wut this is but anyways) then he keeps screwing up and stuff then he is pretty much yelling, and screaming rediculpusly loud..we thought this was funny....my friend said "rawr" pretty quite as a joke and i thought it was funny....then the kid starts saying F*** you F*** this U FAT F*** B*** ALL THIS . TALKING,DIDNT EVEN KNOW US AND WE ARE WAY BIIGGGER THAN HIM! he kept going-simentaneously..the funny thing is he didnt stop... for liek 30 mins...we would just laugh...but this makes me think..its propostrous these kids....but there are still good ones, as there has been and always bad ones as there has bneen


also the other day this kid was saying "jew" as an offensice term i guess and his dad was right next to him...didnt say a word about it. ( i get kinda offended when people make stupid racist remarks liek this) and im not even jewish./...and today although not as common as back in the day ...u will hear a bunch of racism out of kids which pisses me off entirely


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kinda late to say this , but me and my friends were at ceres skatepark this kied liek 12-14 is trying liek a nollie shovit off this ledge.(u prob dont knwo wut this is but anyways) then he keeps screwing up and stuff then he is pretty much yelling, and screaming rediculpusly loud..we thought this was funny....my friend said "rawr" pretty quite as a joke and i thought it was funny....then the kid starts saying F*** you F*** this U FAT F*** B*** ALL THIS . TALKING,DIDNT EVEN KNOW US AND WE ARE WAY BIIGGGER THAN HIM! he kept going-simentaneously..the funny thing is he didnt stop... for liek 30 mins...we would just laugh...but this makes me think..its propostrous these kids....but there are still good ones, as there has been and always bad ones as there has bneen


also the other day this kid was saying "jew" as an offensice term i guess and his dad was right next to him...didnt say a word about it. ( i get kinda offended when people make stupid racist remarks liek this) and im not even jewish./...and today although not as common as back in the day ...u will hear a bunch of racism out of kids which pisses me off entirely



I think you kids are allergic to spelling and grammar...



by the way, I'm a jew


and I honestly don't care if someone calls me a shylock or kike etc...because I am white and I can take it (and we white guys probably deserve a little payback here and there and honestly, the term 'cracker' or 'honky' is more funny than insulting). It is not such a great thing to do though...and if the dad is letting you get away with it, then you know EXACTLY where the kid learned it from.

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I think you kids are allergic to spelling and grammar...



by the way, I'm a jew


and I honestly don't care if someone calls me a shylock or kike etc...because I am white and I can take it (and we white guys probably deserve a little payback here and there and honestly, the term 'cracker' or 'honky' is more funny than insulting). It is not such a great thing to do though...and if the dad is letting you get away with it, then you know EXACTLY where the kid learned it from.


Yuppers...more often than not, racism is taught in the home. That is why it is something that is still so prevalent. Some kids just don't have a chance when surrounded by ignorant mofos who happen to be their parents...

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4 dudes named David Crosby, Stephen Stills, Graham Nash, and Neil Young said it pretty well over 30 years ago.

The song was called "Teach Your Children Well"



I hate to point this out everyone, but you know you're "OLD" when you would have preferred to simply read "...'CSNY' had a great song..."


...of course, I'm sure the younger crowd would have thought that was Crime Scene New York - a TV show. LOL

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Lots of good points in here, both humorous and sad...


And the whole "no losers" thing is another that just really makes no sense at all. Don't want to hurt poor lil Johnny's feelings...We don't want to ruin his fragile lil psyche...What a load of crap!!!!! Let kids experience all of lifes ups and downs just like we did when we were growing up!!! Who the heck is it that comes up with this .??? The adults that sucked at sports when they were kids??? Have they not come to terms with it yet???? :P



I love that "no losers" thing. That is fine for younger kids in AYSO soccer where you're trying to encourage participation and sportsmanship (hell, do we ever need to teach sportsmanship win or lose!) but in real life, you're going to compete... even if you're a total geekball and you're trying to get into a good college, you're competing, so the lesson is the same on the court, field or in the classroom.


My parents started out trying to use that Dr Spock Bull#%$@ in the early 70s and dumped it quick, since it really WON'T work, and you can be nice and have a good relationship with your kids, but you have to teach and get results. Would any of us actually work if it didn't matter or we wouldn't get fired? REALLY? THink about it. REAL LIFE.


On that note, I hang out here at the Street because IMHO, a large portion of the community on some other enthusiast/OC-ing sites are LOSERS, or just disrespectful punks who want something for nothing. Whining about "having to make a @#%$% signature to get help? Hey, they don't belong here then. LOL. Sorry, I'm old school, I"m an old ARPANet guy who remembers when the Internet wasn't called that and was for the few, the proud, the DETERMINED.

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You're old when you remember who they played with before CSN&Y :)


ie: Buffalo Springfield is NOT a type of router :D


Crosby Stills and Nash... now who is this "Young" again?



Oh yeah, and even though I don't like them, Peter, Paul and Mary are NOT a candybar!

(You know "Twiggy" wasn't a candy bar either)

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Zepplin?, You must mean the one that crashed in New Jersey


"Oh, the humanity"


I was the oldest and have six brothers and sisters.

When I turned 18 my old man said, "getting kind of crowded here, probably time to look for a place of your own".

He was awesome, never an unkind word to anyone no matter the race, creed or color.

Forget an "allowance", you had to get a job (paper route, caddying, mowing lawns, etc) if you wanted money.


But it IS harder and harder for young people to get jobs these days.

Paper route at ages 9 and 10 like my brother and I had. No way I would let kids do that these days. Way to many crazies out there these days.


Back in those days of the push (non-motorized) lawn mowers and the rainy springs people were more than happy to pay the snot-nosed neighbor kids a few sheckles to mow then lawn.

They weren't too shy about pointing out the spots you missed either :)

A good job would get you a couple bucks AND a drink out of the garden hose.


Talking trash to an elder would get you a cuff on the head from every adult within hearing distance.


Much different world today. Some of it good and some of it bad.

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i refuse to coach little league baseball or any sports that don't keep score


my brother and his best friend coached a little league team and all summer I ranted and raved in the worst way about how they don't keep score so no one loses, and how my little league team, from T-ball in 1st grade all the way through 6th grade fast-pitch, we were in the Championship game EVERY YEAR...


EVERY SINGLE YEAR our team was good and EVERY SINGLE YEAR we played for the championship






some of you have an idea of just how bad that hurts...to be on possibly the best team of all-time in your city and lost maybe two to four games per year in league play and won every single playoff game except the big final game (those of you that live in Buffalo know exactly what that feeling is like...).


Man it STILL hurts to this day thinking about it...but you know...I actually am glad I got to experience that. I grew up with kids that were always on the winning basketball team in our little league basketball...always. Dad was the coach and they stacked the team as good as they could and they always won. Always. I don't think the kid(s) ever knew what losing was about until high school when they got their asses pounded by the big schools up in Boise and Idaho Falls...and from what I can remember, they didn't take it so well lol.


Losing sucks, and losing hurts, but losing is a part of life and you better damn well get used to it because you are going to lose more than you are going to win. That is just reality. The sooner you accept it, the better off you will be as a person.


Teaching kids that there are no winners and losers...hey, why not just teach them that no one really dies, and that cats and dogs can talk but they choose not to, and that Santa is really an Al-Queada leader who preys on children (which is actually less of a let-down than just telling them Santa isn't real)?


Why don't we just mess up a couple generations of kids and make them snotty, whiny, greedy, selfish asshats???






we pretty have done that

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/signed and agreed #4 (or whatever)!


As one of the oldest (60 yoa) members of this forum, I can speak from experience.


In the 50's, I had a "duck-tail" haircut, played that sinful "rock 'N roll" music (you know that is when it started), but I always respected my parents. Hell -- I had better be respectful or I would get my A-- beat!


When I went to school, I respected the teachers because I knew that if I got into trouble at school, the punishment at home would make what happened at school seem like a cake-walk. Get my drift?


There has to be consequences for bad actions or the bad actions get worse.


I am pleasantly surprised that a young man would be so insightful.


Good post!


p.s. My favorite part of this forum is the fact that we are all learning from one another; young and old.

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