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Just out of Curiosity I used a watts up find out how much power my system uses from the wall during various activites.


Power consumption listed in watts


Total Power idol (everthing) 260w

Total Power 3DMark03 (game test) 265w 2645 3Dmarks :D

monitor bright 280w

Monitor dark 260w

tower only idol 110w

tower only load 165w

monitor only POST 65w

monitor only Desktop 75w

Exel 85w

game 70w


The total system draw was less than I expected , I have a 420w PSU. Lots of capisity left over for toys and pelt cooling :)

Edited by ijagwalaafq

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now u gotta remmeber.. watts differ from amps..


A pelt is going to suck alot of juice from your PSU, it uses alot of amps.. dont be suprised if u hook up a pelt, and when u go to power on the only thing that turns on is ur pelt and not the system.. oh and maybe a few lights.. lol..

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It's always better to have a diffrent PS for pelt cooling even if it's to not stress the mobo PS as psywar said,pelts draw a lot of juice and you wouldn't want to overheat and all that follows your power supply ;)

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