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9800 Pro Cooling?


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What's the best cooling for a 9800 pro. I'm talking heat sink and fan. Since I don't have and am not ready to get liquid cooling yet.





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theres really only one aftermarket option and thats the zaleman zm series heat pipe coolers . thou peoplel like to take 2u server h/s cooljag seems to be the fav and mod it to fit on the 9800. also the stock amd coolers that come with bartons have been a fav lately too but that takes up alot of pci slots

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an easy option is to look for a relatively good all copper cpu hsf and glue it on. i did it for a couple of friends, bought a 60mm dynatron hsf from newegg(only cost $9) put a layer of arctic epoxy on the outer shim and arctic silver thermal paste on the core itself, stuck it on and now he is running it at 450mhz core, 380mem without breakin in sweat.



Barton 2500+ @ 3200+ 2342Mhz

asus a7n8x deluxe mobo

corsair twinx512 pc3200 llpt series

aspire turbo 520w psu

3 80mm + 92mm Tornados

Radeon 9600 pro

Maxtor 7200rpm uata 133 8mb cache 60gb

Samsung cdrw/dvd combo

philips 52x cd drive


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Well I put the Zalman on the 9800 pro, I can't get over 425 mhz gpu. Any ideas on a heat sink that would fit to get me up to 450 mhz? I'm not sure which to go with.





Edited by dino-new

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You may not be able to. Heat is not the only issue when dealing with overclocking. All chips are unique. Some are great overclockers and some can barely be overclocked at all.


If you already have a zalman/fan on there, I doubht you can get much more out of it.

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I added the Thermaltake Giant II to my Radeon 9800 Pro 256MB card. It OC's a bit more than it did with the stock cooling, but still artifacts right the heck up above an 8% OC. /Shrug. I'd take it off and restore the stock cooling because the Giant II is so.. Giant, but I'm lazy.

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if your getting artifacts @425 the only thing that would get you to 450 would be a voltmod and some heavy cooling . my 9800 pro doesnt like anything above 411core i got a bad one for overclocking. i thought 420 was good till i ran aqua mark and got snow all over the place had to go to 411

Edited by fanATIc1205

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Ya I'm getting snow at 425. But it doesn't show up for a while. Think if I get it cooler it will be better. I got a swiftech liquid cooling system las night. It's great. I'm thinking about adding a water block to the gpu with an extra radiator. What do you guys think?



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