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7900 and 7950 !!

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eVGa's step-up program is a laugh. I waited two months for a card I couldve picked up from day one.

I know, I've been laughing ever since my step-up to a 7950GX2 was approved the other day. From a 256MB 7800GTX purchased on 12-29-05 to a 7950GX2 for $140.00. Try that with anyone else.

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Works fine.....SLI Rendering Modes appear to make things Run such as 3DMark, but its still along way from being right. Didn't have a great deal of time to play, but the best Results we saw with the time we had was Playing CS:Source on line @ 1600 x 1200 with everything on MAX...never dropped below 150fps. Makes the game run like ur a real "LPB-Boy"

Fear...all I can say is W O W ! :)


Not many games out here actually support Quad SLI, Quake4 is another but we didn't have the time to set it up & play.


Just damned tickled the Expert board will run these cards in Quad-SLI.


One thing I did notice was freezing occasionally, but it never BSOD'thd like 2 x Gainward 7900 512's did. Just sat there a while untill it cleared & then carried on gaming. I do wonder if 1 card is cooking the other, that was definately happening with the G'Wards.

Still, the next Gen of DX10 Gfx cards requiring Wind0ze Vista should be an awesome experience.



Just wanted to add that whilst the technology demands 16X PCIe, 8X appeared to work fine & the issues we saw are perhaps issues yet to be resolved by Official Drivers. Needless to say, F.E.A.R. was utterly Stunning @ 1600 x 1200 with everything Maxxed, though I did see stutter in some areas & wondered if it was driver maturity or possibly throttling due to heat!

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I'll be honest, when I was thinking about buying a "super-high-end" graphics card 3 months ago, for the first time ever- eVGA's step-up policy was the #1 factor in my decision. The reason that I had always sworn off spending more than $300 on a single GPU is because I always know in the back of my mind that the "next big thing" is just around the corner" So I bought a 7800GTX KO OC from newegg for $500. No, that price wasn't a steal, and it wasn't close to the fastest card around (with the 7900gtx released the week before). All the way through this process though, I knew that I had 3 months to wait... wait and see what else EVGA could bring to the table. If all they could muster was a mega-overclocked version of the 7900, well, I figured that's fine.......... 90 days later, eVGA would credit me the $500 (that I spent at newegg), then I just have to spend $100 more and get that. (saving me effectively.. $300-400) But if they did something even better.. (and I couldn't picture a true SLI board like the 7950 at this time), then of course I would jump on that bandwagon.


To sum it up, I was ready to pay whatever it takes to get the absolute best nvidia card on the market. The only reason I was ever really willing to take the plunge was because I knew I could be protected against "the next big thing" coming out a week after I dropped half a grand on a 7800gtx. I knew that if a MEGA CARD, be it the fabled G80, or a G7950 was released shortly after my purchase, it would make my 7800gtx lose an incredible amount of value right off the bat. It would cost me easily half a grand more, plus hassles of selling my old card, and everything- for me to get the very best.

That's always been the problem with premium computer parts, and that's why I had never even considered buying the best until I found eVGA. I went from a mid-range consumer to a high-end consumer in 1 night. all I had to do was read about their step-up policy. It's everything I could have dreamt of.


Tomorrow, my 7950 will be delivered... and I will proceed to have the best graphics card around... for a long time. Forever? well, no- of course not. But when you compare this to any other possible options I had 3 months ago... spending $500 on any card on the market back then.....only to be quite literally enraged at the release of the 7950 (like my friends with XFX, BFG).....(instead of JOYOUS at the announcement of step-up eligibility from eVGA)......... I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!


I can't figure out anything wrong with eVGA's step-up policy. Their customer service seems to be up to snuff- while maybe not 100% perfect, there's no doubt that if you make a post in the forums over at www.evga.com and complain enough, they will make sure you get special treatment and you feel like a king. You know what, that's what I expect when I spend 500-600 bucks on a graphics card. and I really do. and now..... the only question in my mind is... WHY DOESN'T EVERYONE ELSE LOVE EVGA TOO??? its just astounding me. oh well, I give up trying to understand the rest of you. Seems like simple ecnomics to me. There is no better option out there period, if your main goal is to stay at the top of the pack w/video card performance, without absolutely breaking your bank...

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I'll be honest, when I was thinking about buying a "super-high-end" graphics card 3 months ago, for the first time ever- eVGA's step-up policy was the #1 factor in my decision. The reason that I had always sworn off spending more than $300 on a single GPU is because I always know in the back of my mind that the "next big thing" is just around the corner" So I bought a 7800GTX KO OC from newegg for $500. No, that price wasn't a steal, and it wasn't close to the fastest card around (with the 7900gtx released the week before). All the way through this process though, I knew that I had 3 months to wait... wait and see what else EVGA could bring to the table. If all they could muster was a mega-overclocked version of the 7900, well, I figured that's fine.......... 90 days later, eVGA would credit me the $500 (that I spent at newegg), then I just have to spend $100 more and get that. (saving me effectively.. $300-400) But if they did something even better.. (and I couldn't picture a true SLI board like the 7950 at this time), then of course I would jump on that bandwagon.


To sum it up, I was ready to pay whatever it takes to get the absolute best nvidia card on the market. The only reason I was ever really willing to take the plunge was because I knew I could be protected against "the next big thing" coming out a week after I dropped half a grand on a 7800gtx. I knew that if a MEGA CARD, be it the fabled G80, or a G7950 was released shortly after my purchase, it would make my 7800gtx lose an incredible amount of value right off the bat. It would cost me easily half a grand more, plus hassles of selling my old card, and everything- for me to get the very best.

That's always been the problem with premium computer parts, and that's why I had never even considered buying the best until I found eVGA. I went from a mid-range consumer to a high-end consumer in 1 night. all I had to do was read about their step-up policy. It's everything I could have dreamt of.


Tomorrow, my 7950 will be delivered... and I will proceed to have the best graphics card around... for a long time. Forever? well, no- of course not. But when you compare this to any other possible options I had 3 months ago... spending $500 on any card on the market back then.....only to be quite literally enraged at the release of the 7950 (like my friends with XFX, BFG).....(instead of JOYOUS at the announcement of step-up eligibility from eVGA)......... I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!


I can't figure out anything wrong with eVGA's step-up policy. Their customer service seems to be up to snuff- while maybe not 100% perfect, there's no doubt that if you make a post in the forums over at www.evga.com and complain enough, they will make sure you get special treatment and you feel like a king. You know what, that's what I expect when I spend 500-600 bucks on a graphics card. and I really do. and now..... the only question in my mind is... WHY DOESN'T EVERYONE ELSE LOVE EVGA TOO??? its just astounding me. oh well, I give up trying to understand the rest of you. Seems like simple ecnomics to me. There is no better option out there period, if your main goal is to stay at the top of the pack w/video card performance, without absolutely breaking your bank...

Couldn't have said it better, but I have said pretty much the same thing many times. Your logic was my logic, exactly.

It paid off for me as well with a 7950GX2 from a 7800GTX. I just can't see any reason to buy from anyone else other than EVGA.

Just to add, it installed effortlessly on my Venus, passed 2 back to back runs each of 3dmark05 and 06 at 600/1600

and only raised idle and load temps 3 or 4 degrees. Idle 56, full load 78. I'm leaving at 600/1400 for now, till better cooling, or end of summer.

All games are butter at 1600x1200 all candy maxed. The only game I've had any problem with at all is Rainbow 6 Ravenshield. It crashes the system everytime I open it and I have to do a hard boot. I may reinstall the game out of curiosity, to see if that helps, but maybe not as I'm long done playing that game.

My timing is usually ., I got real lucky this time.

Hope you enjoy yours, as much as I am mine.

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Yo Ive got a question for all you ppl out there with a 7900 GT or the 7950 (I dont know what to get) Im planning on playing on 1920*1080 (Yupp 37" LCD TV) and i want to know how they handle that. I also have to upgrade my CPU to get it rolling with the gfx so I am a bit short on cash. Is the 7950 worth 300$ more then the 7900gt


Thx for opinions


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I dont even have to option to upgrade to the 7950, do I have to do something special for it to become a option? I am considering upgrading to the 7900GTX, but it is backordered if I apply for it would I still get it if my step up period expired while I was waiting for them to come back into stock?

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That's where the 7950GX2 and extra memory excells, with higher resolutions. I can't speak to what a 7900gt will do with high res and a lot of eye candy, but I play all games at 1600x1200, every setting as high as it will go. Smooth as silk.

I mentioned in a previous post it oc's well.

I definitely think it's worth the extra dinero over the 7900gt, if you're going to be pushing a 37" lcd at those resolutions.

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Once you're in the queue, it doesn't matter whether it's back ordered or how long it takes. You're good.

Are you saying that the 7950 isn't available for stepup? It should be. Where are you at in your 90 days? Have you registered your card?

The last time I checked there was very little difference in the price between a 7900gtx and a 7950GX2. Theres no doubt which one is the better deal.

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I have registered my card and I have about 45 days left in my step up if i had to guess. Perhaps I will step up to the 7950 because I have not heard many problems with them compared to my 7900GT which won't even let me finish any 3D Mark test.


EDIT: I found the 7950 in the list (next time I should scroll all the way down), so if I decide to upgrade do you guys think I should upgrade to the 7900GTX or 7950? Im not really worried about the price I would rather get a card that people have encountered less problems with.

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I have registered my card and I have about 45 days left in my step up if i had to guess. Perhaps I will step up to the 7950 because I have not heard many problems with them compared to my 7900GT which won't even let me finish any 3D Mark test.


EDIT: I found the 7950 in the list (next time I should scroll all the way down), so if I decide to upgrade do you guys think I should upgrade to the 7900GTX or 7950? Im not really worried about the price I would rather get a card that people have encountered less problems with.


I cant speak for the 7900GTX. However, after having had 6 x 7900GT's for SLI setup all with different issues, my XFX 7950 XXX is a breath of fresh air! Sure, it gets hotter than 7900GT/X's but what ever it is about these 7950's, they dont get something so HOT they freeze or BSOD.


On the only info & experience I have with a friends 7900GTX, his blew itself to bits with candy coloured splodges all over the screen, as well as artifacts & tearing. Needless to say, as he knew about all the issues I'd had with different brands of 7900GT, he opted for the XFX 7950 XXX as I did. Neither of us have looked back yet! :)

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