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Barton 2500@1917 And So On


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So I got my new PC and I really enjoy it's performance, except that I decided to do some OCing, despite I'm an absolute amateur.

First, I got myself a copy of RadLinker and then tuned my Connect3D Radeon 9600Pro 128MB to 452MHz (CORE) and 317 (MEM) and also changed the AGP's frequency from 66 to 69MHz..

Then, I decided to change the multiplier factor and voltage of the CPU a bit.

So I got my Barton 2500+@1826 to 1917,

changed all the voltage available by one point:

CPU Core @1.625


Chipset @1.7

AGP @1.7


Also, I changed my memory's timings to AGGRESIVE (7-3-3-2.5)

Normally, my PC's temperature is about 24 (system) and 32 (CPU) at boot-up

After clocking everything possible, I got about 30 and 44.

And after playing some BF1942, Mafia and so on, my CPU gets at 46 or more.


So, are these settings safe?

I have a 450W PSU and a Spire WhisperRock cooler for Socket A (http://www.spirecooler.com/asp/fcc.asp?ProdID=105)

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You shouldn't change your AGP bus speed or its voltage or the chipset voltage. I have never changed mine and its doin fine at 2.416 Ghz. Also, Even if your using stock cooling, you can get that chip up to 2Ghz easy. I have my bro-in-law's comp with a 2500+ chip and A7n8x board to 2.1+ Ghz easy. But do it slowly, air cooling I think is more unstable with temps than water like i have.

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Yeah as previously said you should reach around 2.1 easy anything after that you should take more care, it really depends on your stepping, and cooling.

also you should keep all your voltages at stock they are enough for the

overclocking your doing.


As for your HSF i think there are plenty that you could get. the slk series are the best basically because there all copper and really big, stick on a nice fan with high cfm and your flying. You could get something like the tt volcano 7+, which has an all copper heatsink, for cheap if you dont want to splash out to much money.


Also how many case fans do you have and what temperature is your room these all have an impact on your cpu temps, the ambient room temp probably has the biggest impact.

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if your looking for a good budget cooler, i would go with the Coolermaster x-Dream HAC-v81. they are only around 10-15 dollars, and they cool about as well as a Volcano 11 does. also, i would try to do more FSB increase instead of just upping your multiplier... that way u will have much better performance. good luck.

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