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Cooling Solutions?

Guest Trios

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Okay then. Let me start off with an explanation of what I have and what needs to be done with it...


I was given 4 motherboards, 2 cases, 4 processors, and some other random things by my school to make two computers. One will go to my school, the other will be mine for my payment for comp1. Here's what I have:


2 Athlon XP 1600+ (Palomino)

1 AMD Duron (unknown speed)

1 AMD Athlon 1133


However, the only coolers I was given are a Volcano 6cu and some other coolers that look worse than stock AMD coolers. So...


I'll be getting MY stuff that was RMA'd back soon. There's a stock Athlon 2000+ cooler there, that I'll be swapping out for my own V11.


Which would work better? The AMD stock sink, or the Volc 6cu? Whichever is best is what I'm keeping, and I'll be giving him the Duron with the crappy sink that came on it, and building ANOTHER comp out of the second 1600...so I just want to know which one I should put the good stepping Pal on so I can OC it.

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Thanks for not answering my question.


Which is better?? Volc 6cu or AMD 2000+ stock sink??


Both have copper cores, but the fan on the Volc is smaller but looks like it'd push just as much if not more CFM, so I figured someone here would have knowledge about something like this....



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Noise I don't give a crap about (it already sounds like a tornado AND a hurricane in here). One is going in the case, the other is going to sit in peices on a cardboard box on top of my HP Netserver until I can get a case for it.


Price especially doesn't matter since I already have them.


Size? Well, I know they will both fit on both boards, so I just need to know which one cools better! Volc 6cu or Athlon 2k stock?



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:D you're a theif, someone is litterally giving you all that stuff and you won't give em one of the 1600 you're a bad boy :(:P

I decided to comment on this...


If you were in my shoes, would you do anything different?? I thought not!


:D :D


Funny thing is, nobody at the school even knows what kind of proc's are in these things, so if I say that I gave him exactly what I got, they'll believe me.





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I'm not even talking about the guy.


I want to know which is better between the 2000+ stock sink and the ThermalTake Volcano 6cu.


Is that so hard to understand?


I was already planning on giving him a sub-par HSF for his duron, since it probably won't require much anyways.



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Well, you could do an extensive metasearch for reviews on those HS's.


Or you could try Ayokona's idea. Try both sinks & CPU's and take mesurments. Since you only have the one case, you'll have to do it one set up at a time. Take notes and compare the results. The one with the best results, wins.

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The 6cu will do a better job then the stock heatsinks.

I tested a Coolermaster DP5-6J31C against the stocker HSF that came with my Aunts 2000+ T-Bred A. Surprisingly that Coolermaster cooled it better by 10 deg C. That model does not come with a copper slug BTW. One of my previous acquaintances ran a T-Bird 1.33 @ 1.4 with her 6cu and it kept it at 40-45C idle. Not great I know, but it's better than stock.

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