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[resolved]Windows Defrag


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I have somehow managed to develop a problem with windows defrag. I normally run it on a weekly basis but now it just does not run. Defrag will open, I select the hard drive, and it does absolutely nothing when I click analyze or defrag. Nothing happens :(


Anyone have any bright ideas about what could cause this? I have Windows XP Home Edition with SP1.

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You could try using a defrag utility, some even give trial periods. maybe the windows defrag is just starting with a huge file first. Do you have files on there bigger than 1Gb.


I like Diskeeper it defrags when the screensaver starts and if im upstairs I comeback and its all ready to go, Used to use O&O defrag its good but has too many options for defrag and knowing which one is best is a mystery to me.


I never took much notice of the windows defrag myself I have always used a third party one. Just try one of the trial software maybe it will tell you something like certain files are unmovable or something.

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First open up a Command Prompt, this can be found at:

Start -> Run -> CMD


Change into your windowssystem32 directory. Type:

cd windowssystem32


Register the defrag components, by typing:

regsvr32 dfrgsnap.dll

regsvr32 dfrgui.dll



At this stage, you may find the defragmenter works. If not, there is one more step you can do.


Using Windows Explorer browse to your windowsinf folder.

In there you will find a file called dfrg.inf right click this file, and select Install.



Try this, if this doesnt work i havent the foggiest. Found that off of google.

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