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My OCZ GOLD XTC's can't pass Memtest #8

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I've qualified them on at a time and they're fine. I've tried everything at def. speed and it makes no difference, I get a bunch of errors in test #8 (only).

The system passes Prime (a few hours tested) and Super Pi 32M.

I do get the odd bluescreen with the message "IRQL less or not equal.....".

My settings are pretty much at def. except for LDT/FSB: 3, CPU VID: 1.45V, DRAM 2.7V and timings at 3-4-3-8.

Any setting I could tweak? Or do I need another BIOS? In that case wich one? :confused:





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Sorry this isn't a real reply to your question, but I think it's still the same topic, and I didn't want to make a new thread. I am planning to get the same Mobo, and wondering if I would be better off going with 2 x 1GB OCZ Gold XTC like you have or with 4 x 1GB Samsung pc3200.


The rest of my setup as planned is:

AMD64 X2 3800+

Enermax ELT500Awt 500Watt

XFX 7900GT Extreme


And I haven't really decided about the hdd's yet, but I have one 160GB Seagate SATA. Any suggestions would be appreciated a lot. This is my first DFI board, and as much as I'm looking forward to it, I'm worried about compatibility issues as well. I'm trying to read as much information as possible, but still it's hard to know what you're missing when you don't know to look for it...

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Thats an interesting issue...I've only had errors during test#5, and thats with overclocking. I am using the 6/23 bios version, and thats what came with my board when I got it a few weeks ago. How old is your board? Have you tried everything at default, including LDT -> auto, CPU VID -> 1.4v? I also found that my mem was auto detected at 3-4-3-7, try that as well.



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Sorry this isn't a real reply to your question, but I think it's still the same topic, and I didn't want to make a new thread. I am planning to get the same Mobo, and wondering if I would be better off going with 2 x 1GB OCZ Gold XTC like you have or with 4 x 1GB Samsung pc3200.


The rest of my setup as planned is:

AMD64 X2 3800+

Enermax ELT500Awt 500Watt

XFX 7900GT Extreme


And I haven't really decided about the hdd's yet, but I have one 160GB Seagate SATA. Any suggestions would be appreciated a lot. This is my first DFI board, and as much as I'm looking forward to it, I'm worried about compatibility issues as well. I'm trying to read as much information as possible, but still it's hard to know what you're missing when you don't know to look for it...


This is my first DFI board as well, and I was in the same position...pretty fun eh? :rolleyes: From what I've read, most boards work alot better with less than 4 sticks, I guess the timing gets off and slows them down. 2x1Gb is easier to manage I think...


The XTC's will run great at DDR400 speeds, and even better at their DDR500 speeds. They don't overclock that well though, but I'm just learning as well and maybe I just haven't hit the sweet spot yet. Only managed to get them up to DDR512 speeds, and not that stable. I like them alot though - fun to tweak with, and I would reccomend them over the 4x1Gb sticks.



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Thats an interesting issue...I've only had errors during test#5, and thats with overclocking. I am using the 6/23 bios version, and thats what came with my board when I got it a few weeks ago. How old is your board? Have you tried everything at default, including LDT -> auto, CPU VID -> 1.4v? I also found that my mem was auto detected at 3-4-3-7, try that as well.




Thanks, yeah I've tried everything at def. and the RAM is auto detected at 3-4-3-7 on mine too.


I don't know what to try, BIOS settings and/or a different BIOS etc.?


I got my board a little over a year ago.

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Sounds like the only difference between your mobo/ram and mine is the bios date. I know that what works for one person doesnt necessarily work for another, but trying the 6/23 biosmight help. Both sticks are in the orange slots right?


When you say you've qualified them - do you mean they have no errors when you use just one stick? If the errrors only happen when you have a certain stick in use, it might be a bad stick.



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Sounds like the only difference between your mobo/ram and mine is the bios date. I know that what works for one person doesnt necessarily work for another, but trying the 6/23 biosmight help. Both sticks are in the orange slots right?


When you say you've qualified them - do you mean they have no errors when you use just one stick? If the errrors only happen when you have a certain stick in use, it might be a bad stick.




Yeah, no errors with one of the sticks at a time. I just updated my BIOS to 704-2BT (a lot of recommendations around here) and I think it worked. I just did a quick test and it passed #8 :)

I'm going to do some more testing though

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