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A few questions...but first many thanks..

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Ok let me start off by saying many many thanks to all you guys out there who have been patient with me and helped me out in times of bsod. Also, big up Angry and all the other mods. This is a brilliant site and although I now don't require much help I still find myself visiting this site which just shows how informative it is.... however lol, I have just passed 8 hours on prime with my new OC - 290x9 (2.6Ghz, thought I'd never reach it) with my new cooler which is blowing me away. I think my temps were so high previously because of poor thermal contact with the stock heatsink on my opty 165. When I replaced it with the new one there was definitely spots not really covered, before I was @ full load 48c @2.5Ghz. Now I am @ 2.6Ghz and I still haven't breached 40c - W00t. The combination of the Arctic cooling and the thermal is doing really well for me. Also, I managed to find my correct timings for my ram on the OCZ site for the Expert. If anyone needs help woth the timings I will post if you like.

I will probably try and push on to 2.7Ghz tonight, all this after I originally said "I'll be happy 2.5"! lol, little did I know how addictive this is...


Question 1) What's the highest temp the PWMIC can go to safely?

Question 2) What is the general consensus for how much volts you can put through the opty 165 and not shorten it's lifespan dramtically?

Question 3) How f*ckin good is Oblivion?!

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You are so nice. I think the mods really appreciated that.



Question 1) What's the highest temp the PWMIC can go to safely?

IMO safely, not over 55C. My load temp for my Pulse-width modulation integrated circuit (PWMIC) is 46C. If you have not read this it may help Temps Too High?.


Question 2) What is the general consensus for how much volts you can put through the opty 165 and not shorten it's lifespan dramtically?

I think with any chip, not just opty’s, oc’ing shorten there lifespan. Depend how much it’s oc’ed or over volted? More volts more heat. I have and AMD K-6 233Mhz oc about 15% at 3.6v and is still going. Granted, it not getting user all that much anymore.


Question 3) How %*#@^! good is Oblivion?!

I don't know I’m not a big gamer.


Hope this helped and good oc’ing

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richie, glad to see your OC'ing adventure going well - thought those mem settings would do the trick. Isn't it great to have a $300 FX-60? :nod:


I noticed my PWMIC temps soar after going from a 146 to a 165 - not sure of the reasons, probably more current going to the dual core. I solved the problem by putting a 80mm fan (from the stock AMD heatsink) above the area between the 24 pin power lead and CPU - dropped my temps from 50C to around 35C.


I have read many threads regarding your second question - and there are no clear answers, even form the engineers that have designed these chips - just that increasing the voltage will drastically decrease the expected life. :confused:


However, if I recall correctly, their design specs are for an 8 - 10 year life!? The damn thing will be obsolete in less than two, and you paid less than 1/3rd the price. I'm not an economist, but it sounds like a pretty good deal to me.


Not sure about Oblivion, I am too addicted to BF2 at the moment.

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1) Answered. If you're going above 55, your air cooling is not good enough in your case and you should sort it. I cut a big 120x120mm hole in the side of my case, and stuck a fan in because it got so hot in there.


2) I am scared of going above 1.5v. I have seen few people go above 1.55v, so I would certainly make 1.55v your absolute highest. Just keep raising the voltage, and eventually you will find you have to raise the vcore like another 0.05v just to get another 45mhz, which just isn't worth it IMO.

Play about with what volts get you what speed, put it in a table and then stick with which is the best decision.


3) Oblivion is awesome. My rig plays it full settings at 60 fps and I'm enjoying just walking around the place it looks so good.

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Burky: At the moment it is at 51c on pwmic. Is this acceptable? I have read in other threads that it can go as high 60-80c and as long as it is not above this it is ok. Is this just waffle?


Likwid: Here in london the prices are higher i'm afraid. Paid about £260 ($465) for my opty. Yeah I am in to BF2. Me an a freind play. We even wear headphones with mics in. I feel I am a fully fledged nerd, just received my membership an everything but the game is quality. If you wanna make the most out of your gt though get oblivion. It is very very easy on the eye.


Tasr: thanks for the link and the info mate. Much obliged.

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