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Why Opterons rule!


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After posting my OC database entry here. I took out my 170, popped the IHS off and put it back in along with the storm waterblock. The results:




Same OC with 2 steps lower voltage(1.375 vs 1.425)! Also dropped 8c off the CPU load temps and about 10c off PWMIC temps. She'll do [email protected] but temps become an issue again. It seems anything much over 40c and it becomes unstable at these speeds. I could keep it under 40c through the night when my office cools off but in the afternoon, temps go up and boom...Prime95 fails. I tried for the big 3.0GHz but it wont even boot Windows regardless of how much juice I fed it.


So right now it's chugging along happily running 2 instances of folding at 36-37c. These chips are amazing, a 43% OC with only 1 notch above stock volts! You just need a cooling system that can keep up. :cool:

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Nice job!


You are the Grand Master....................now command that Opty to go to 3.0 :nod:



I really wish I had gotten an Opteron.


dude you have a 4400, you should be making that thing spit hot magma...lol

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Yeah, but not all Opteron's can hit that high. If you look closely he has the 0550 Stepping. My 0551 can't even come close to 2.8GHz. I think she'll hit 2.7GHz tops. Anything over or par with the FX-60 is great i think! Spending money on a $325 processor that can hit FX-60 speeds is amazing anyway, right?

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dude you have a 4400, you should be making that thing spit hot magma...lol

I wish..............that would be so cool. Hot magma might burn the carpet, but what the heck. :eek: I think the 4400 tops out at 2.8 on water cooling. I have air cooling in my rig, but I'm running solid at 2.7Ghz 1.350v@113% = 1.50v Vcore (roughly) with temp at 27C idle and 45C load. I’ve duel core primed stable for over 12 hours. So maybe I feel better about my self again. :nod:

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So did you re-adjust the IHS on the core? What did you exactly do for better your cooling? I thought you had to take the IHS off fully and just use your cooling source right on top of the core that way to decrease heat? hmm......

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I took the IHS right off so my Storm block is sitting right on the core. As stated, it didn't help my OC much but I was able to run the same MHZ with less volts. I can get 2950 stable but it's right on the edge of this chips abilities so I backed it down to 2850 for more safety margin for day to day use.

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Temps become an issue at less than 1.5 volts on good watercooling? Doesn't seem right to me...


I have to agree. For shittes and grins I pushed the volts on my opty to 1.55 + 113% = 1.73 and am running @ 2.792, 35 C idle and now I have two stresscpus going and I'm running at 54 to 57 C. You sure your temps are being read right? When I'm run mine at 2.6 I use 1.475 and can't get near 40 C.


I'm gonna try Super Pi and see how warm it gets doing a 32M run, and I guess to see if this is semi stable... :nod:

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