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Ive had just about enough of Norton!!!


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just a 'quick' rant.


Norton Internet Security and Anti-Virus. yeah its damned secure, it slows down your rig so much you cant get on the net, thats great security. no one can attack your machine if you cant even log on!


whats wrong with the programmers who make this thing. its the largest security and av package in the world so they have plenty money to work out how to get it to integrate with your system without - a. locking it up and b. slowing it to a crawl.

i mean its been out for years and STILL no one has sorted it out.


example, my 3d05 score with a fresh install of xp and all my OCin done was 11,490. with Norton installed and running that drops to 11,124. 400 points!!!!!!


thats an awesome resource hog. and now, well its the final straw now, the system scan which i schedule to run once a month, has popped up and (for the second month running) crashed, crashed my machine, refused to shutdown even with a task manager forced shutdown, and required me to reset!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :sad:


so, i reset. then i think, i wonder if norton is the reason ive been getting long shutdown times? so i reinstall it. reinstalls fine and updates no probs. then i try a windows update. "sorry, one or more windows elements are not registered or could not be verified, updates unavailable" WTF!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

this things going in the bin, no wait, the furnace, via my sledgehammer.


so to finish, does anyone have any norton grievances they want to share?


and finally, does anyone know what the hecks up with my windows updates? when i click on "express" or try custom update download, that line above is the only feedback i get from the update site plus a click button that says "click to fix this" but just cycles me back to the same page and error message. if you can help i would be really thankful. next stop, norton sacrificial chamber. muwhahahaha.



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Guest Milkshake

I hate norton, made me quit anti-virus programs all together. Now I have no slowdowns :)

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If you can, get the corporate edition. Much less of a resource hog and works great.


is this true?

that'd be cool. i will look into this further.


continue regailing me with your norton hatred everyone , its making me feel better

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get kaspersky....

then after u update it scan

then disable the service and startup of it.... Wont use a single resource.. then every month

re-enable it and update real quick then scan..this is what i do

plus kaspersky finds stuff that norton,adaware,AVG free,spybot, ETC Will not

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The enterprise server ver is what I use.


However since mine was from last year I dumped it.

I only used it once in a great while anyways to do a manual scan.


If you twek the registry of some of it's services and run stuff, I mean remove them, it runs much better.

Not starting up with windows, and making it useable when you actually need it.

However experimenting to find what you can and connato remove from startup takes a little bit of time but is not that hard.


I would post what to remove and such but like I said, I did'nt put much time into it and since del the orignal copy and all.

I'll have to get a new ver sometime later.



A buddy of mine got a non release copy of the latest nfs, a game.

I had to back that up along with a few other things before he sent his emachine for rma.

I was kinda forced into running the thing, I don't like running non release progs..., warez talk here...(I'm not talking directly about this)

Even then I never run the cracks and keygens that come with them as I can find my own.


Anyways I scanned with a prog called F-Prot.

It seems like a great replacement, but I really don't know how well it actually does.



Like norton/symantec, it needs to be configuered so it actually scans for everything and prompts to remove anything it finds(instead of just trashing everything).

It can be configuerd quite easy though compared to norten.

I mean very easy.

Don't even need reg hacks.



Anyone have experience or thaughts about F-Prot?

If it really is a very good alt program then perhaps I'll just forget about symantec alltogether.


I did'nt find anythign on my rig though.

I don't think I actually have any virus'es, but then again who knows...

I hate when people dl purre crap off the internet instead of getting a good release of somehting or an official dl...


Official like in dl'ing from the original site, and not some site off in the middle of nowhere...

I can't stand that :.



I don't like auto scan/protection either as it is a hog of resources and time.

I don't need somethig that would take 25% of my cpu instead taking 1% of it.

Nor do I need to take 5% of my hd bandwith and replace it with 100% usage :.

Manual scans I believe are the way to go but there is people out there like like the auto and full protection stuff.


That auto stuff, is ok I think on a dedecated rig that's setup as a gateway/router/firewall.

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I used to use Norton, I hated how deep it integrates itself in your registry, makes it very difficult to unistall completely (or atleast that used to be the case, not sure now). And yeah, it was very slow.

I use McAfee Enterprise, recent versions of it has been a little troublesome but I found fixes for it. It used to delete valid media files without my permission (for some reason they now have this set to default which is a terrible decission in my opinion). But this guy scans for practically everything (viruses, malware, spyware, tojans, etc)

I like the fact that my license is perpetual (because of the university I go to)

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