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How Much Can I Overclock?


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okay im wondering about how much can i overclock my cpu if its the stock AMD 2500 with stock heat sink don't worry im usin the tempature control thing on my NF7 mobo so it wont overheat but what is a safe speed?

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O/Cing consists of many factors:



ram type and speed



cooling...i repeat cooling

air circulation


You have a AMD AthlonXP 2500+ (Barton core I assume?) You should be able to get 2Ghz at least but make sure you o/c slowly and test for stability and temperatures

Most users can o/c alittle over 2Ghz (well more than 2Ghz if you have great cooling)

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Ok your mobo should have a temperature gauge in bios but try the makers website as the usually have a mobo monitor of their own. The next pronlem of checking your stability is rather simple. All you need to do is download prime95 http://www.mersenne.org/freesoft.htm do not get the beta! Scroll down the page and it will say step one get the version you need under that as it will have been bug tested.


This is where you are gonna go crap you need to run prime95 for several hours maybe overnight if you really want to be sure. If you get up and check your computer and all is well its stable ig it crashed well then you know to go back to your bios and change some settings.

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