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Prime95 fails after 4 hours

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Is there any way I can test whether or not it's the ram specifically or the CPU? Right now I have it at 265x10 1:1 and prime95 failed after exactly 4 hours. The thing is though that it failed both cores at the same time. Usually when the CPU fails one craps out and the other keeps going. Would this indicate ram is to blame?


I'm trying to get this PC stable before friday...


I have the cpu at 1.5v, on my evga SLI mobo it would pass prime 95 15+ hours with the same setting using Crucial Value Ram.

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have you read the oc'ing guide?

you need to find the max of your cpu and ram seperately...and then you would have a better idea of what might be causing prime to fail.

but if i had to guess...i would think your ram caused the failure, as you pointed out...both cores failed at the same time.

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have you read the oc'ing guide?

you need to find the max of your cpu and ram seperately...and then you would have a better idea of what might be causing prime to fail.

but if i had to guess...i would think your ram caused the failure, as you pointed out...both cores failed at the same time.

Same here, beyond watching your CPU temps I would lean towards RAM as well. A good way to determine if its ram is to take note of the prime sample size and see if you can reproduce it, if so then its an area of your ram that gets stressed and fails under load. You could loosen timings and manipulate your HTT to match and see if you can't change the course of the problem.


Another thing to try and find out is if your CPU might not reach a temp then crash because of a thermal barrier. for example Mine goes @ around 57 based on the internal temp sensor. probably more like 65 +/- 5 in reality.

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SO P95 failed after 48 minutes but on one core with OC settings and minor tweaks with ram (higher voltage, 2.79 in bios setting only registers as 2.74 so it's slightly off maybe?)


I dled Memtest for windows and it fails with the CPU at 7x multi within 45 minutes. I guess I will tweak with the ram some more.


It's almost imperative I can get this ram to 265mhz to match the oc of the cpu. If not I think it might have been a waste.

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Another thing to try and find out is if your CPU might not reach a temp then crash because of a thermal barrier. for example Mine goes @ around 57 based on the internal temp sensor. probably more like 65 +/- 5 in reality.



I'm using a defective TJ07 case right now with no sides on (the case is warped or has been poorly manufactured I can't even put one side back one. I will need to return it too newegg....) so temps aren't an issue I think.




Ah memtest just failed again. Back to more tweaking....

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Meh I've tried everything possible I think to try and get it to 265. Using the weaking timings possible, testing low voltage and high voltage and it still errors in windows memtest.


Trying 260 right now, such a disappointment because I came from 2650mhz on the cpu and 220 3-3-3-8-2T on a divider with 2 gig crucial value select ram and an evga sli motherboard. I'm extremely close to returning this board and memory. The past few days have been enough for me to never want to touch a PC again.

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These memory settings are such a pain but it's amazing how much effect they actually have


I thought I had friend my CPU but aparrently bypass max and read premble made the difference of being able to post at 2500 mhz cpu 1:1 even on a 133 divider. Previously I was able to post at up to 2800mhz on my old evga mobo and memory though completely unstable.


1 or 2 seemingly insignificant neniry settings can make the difference between a system posting or not even with just a slight oc with the ram on an extremely weak divider. With the same settings on a 133 divider it now posts at 2800mhz. Instead of hanging after DMI pool data and rebooting. I doubt it will be stable though.

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