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Can't power on - leds flash, fans spin for half sec, then off

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Note system in question is in my sig.


I got this board only a week ago - it's for a customer, so I'm getting a pretty stressed out with them having returned it twice already.


It worked fine for me. Benched it, ran prime95 for hours on end, memtest, 3dmark05 etc. But the next day they call me up saying it won't turn on?


I press the power button, and a couple of fans spin a little bit, a couple of orange leds flash on, and the 4 debug leds flash on, but then it just stops.


At this point I had 704-bta2 BIOS running.


The only way I could get it to power up was to do the 8 hour BIOS drain. So I figured it was OK, I set the BIOS settings to optimized, and powered off to see if that fixed it... Nope, it wouldn't turn on again. Another 8 hours BIOS drain. Then I flashed it to 623-3, and it powered on fine after that.


So thinking that the board just didn't like 704 BIOS, and 623-3 had fixed all, I gave it back to the customer. Only to be called the next day saying it won't turn on.


I swapped out the memory for another brand, and it turned on straight away. So I put the regular memory back in (see my sig) and it powers on again - as if there was some charge in the memory preventing it from turning on?


I'm stumped. It seems to be working OK now but I don't want to return it to the customer - tommorow it probably won't turn on again. Please help! :confused:

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nope, new one. dont buy if it isnt on this list


i have an aspire warking fine (the system isnt working now but its the mobo so...) Make sure you check the list first though


Yeah the Enermax 535W was in a recommended PSU's thread I read a while back, and I'm using one on my own personal system with this same mobo and it runs fine...

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Can you put another power supply in there?


Did the customer specifically ask for a DFI board? If he did... well... lol... then he needs to get his own butt in here and start posting. I can see you spending a lot of time here on his behalf, and then not even get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. :eek: :sad:

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Can you put another power supply in there?


Did the customer specifically ask for a DFI board? If he did... well... lol... then he needs to get his own butt in here and start posting. I can see you spending a lot of time here on his behalf, and then not even get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. :eek: :sad:


Only spare PSU I have is only 350W, and 20-pin (Enermax). I can't see why it would be the PSU as it's the mobo I have to fiddle with to get it to turn on again? E.g. switching out a stick of RAM, can't see how that would affect the PSU. I guess I could pull the PSU out of my box... but it's so damn hard to 'test' whether anything I change has fixed the problem... who knows how long it will take till it won't turn on again!


They didn't ask for a DFI, but they asked for top of the line and as far as I was concerned there was no other choice, given I didn't have a hitch with my own board.

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Try this, it's a very simple remedy if it works on your computer. I've had the same problem and it worked on mine..

When you shut down the computer, push the power button (off) then click (off) the rocker switch to the power supply on the back of the computer. When you are ready to start the computer do the reverse. Sounds simple and stupid but it worked on mine. Tell the dang customer this is the only way to turn on/off DFI computers, if it works. If it doesn't work.........sorry!!!


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Try this, it's a very simple remedy if it works on your computer. I've had the same problem and it worked on mine..

When you shut down the computer, push the power button (off) then click (off) the rocker switch to the power supply on the back of the computer. When you are ready to start the computer do the reverse. Sounds simple and stupid but it worked on mine. Tell the dang customer this is the only way to turn on/off DFI computers, if it works. If it doesn't work.........sorry!!!



Thanks for the suggestion, I will give it a try. Still kinda dodgy, I hope it doesn't bother them too much!

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