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AMD A64 Memory Controller "minireview"

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Just sharing that with you, i hope you like it.


**Its in spanish, but you may be able to understand the benchies. If somebody wanna translate it to english or another language feel free to tell me and i'll leave the other languages link.





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It seems to be a very nice feature, at least in gaming, you dont lose too much performance and even you can win it if you get tigher your timmings decreasing speed, just take a look to CS: S benchie =P


And it may be very usefull on laptop computers, that needs to reduce heat (you can run the RAM at lower frequencys without loosing lots of performance). But maybe it sucks while you need to compress files.


I'll see if i get some free time to add a kernel recompilation and compare performances, and maybe another gaming bench and a sound compressing bench. And compare performance with my mobile and see what happens when i use dividers, all the life has been said that there is a lot of performance penalty while using dividers on non integrated memory controller systems (A-XP, P4, PIII...). Lets see the differences...



Yo odio tener que hablar en inglés y que se me olviden algunas palabras jejeje tengo que ir a buscar el traductor u_U Veo que eres de OC Mexico, estuve algún tiempo ahi creo.




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Ya no lo soy (de OC Mex)... digamos que no soporto como se comporta y comunica la gente entre si, especialmente cuando estos dirijen sus comentarios poco respetuosos hacia mi.


I think there aren't any cons on implementing a memory controller within the processor, and if they are they should be minimal in comparison to the pros. I want to know how it will behave in the new AM2 socket 940 with DDR2, perhaps Intel should adopt integrating the northbridge in their processors as well.

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Bueno, si quieres te registras en el foro de PC Pimper, ahi dejé el link en las conclusiones. Por el momento estamos poco activos, pero a medida que se sume gente podría "cocerse" algo bueno...


It would be better that AMD get a very good core and performance, cause Intel is coming back with their new cores...we dont wanna see monopolies, they just raise the prices, and i dont like that too much :D

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Hmm, yes the Conroe is one of them... but its not for a gaming system since I doubt nVidia is going to release a chipset for that socket and even if they did all the performance diference in favor of Intel would go out in smoke because of their bus limitations with SLI and other gaming alternatives. There are things Intel could change to improve and tilt the balance their way, same way for AMD, but Intel is not doing them.

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SLi Really sucks, but well, you know, the marketing...

Have you tried it personally?


I have two very old now 6800GT cards in SLI and they do wonderful things in all the games I played and benchmarks I tried. I only have a 19" crt monitor at the moment, so I didn't had any need to upgrade them... but I am thinking about a 20" Samsung LCD, and then with 1920 x 1200 a pair of 7900GT's, or bigger cards, would be ideal.


Right now if in a game your video card gives you 45 fps, two cards will probably give you 70+ fps with the same resolution and quality settings... depending on the game of course.

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Nice thread, however I could only read the first two posts at the moment... we all know cpu speed is king, like AG said, but I always considered latencies to be second in importance, yet he wrote they didn't matter either. Did the discussion took this latencies subject later?

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So tight timings and bigger divider for gaming and less divider (or 1:1) and looser timings for everything else?


Would be great if you had a tool that you could change divider and timings on the DFI boards with just a shortcut on the desktop. Double click "Gaming mode" and then start your favorite game... when you are done just click "Normal mode". :)


I know there are these kind of programs for other motherboards but maybe there is for DFI also? Anyone know?


Gaming mode: " 5:6 2.5-2-2-5 1T"


Normal mode: " 9:10 3.0-3-3-8 1T"


a64tweaker style or something like that... ;)

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