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Firefox & dfi-street


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I was playing with the firefox over the weekend and I learned a few new things:


1) How to remove that ugly big red text from the forum index - I read the rules :D




Did you notice the new style :D

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Sorta off topic but...

Do you know how to get rid of the embedded links?


I have that issue all over the place now with firefox, see lines under a generic txt, pointing to a darn add...

I got rid of this in ie, but firefox seem's like it's a diffrent story all together.


Also, 3rd mouse button, clicking it on a standered newer ver of it allows for that free scroll double arrow thingy, which is present in ie and all.

However I can't for the life of me figuer out how to enable it in firefox.


Then one more...

The full screen view, by pressing F11 like in ie.

Is there a way to have it so it does'nt actually cover all other windows?

I prefer the fullscreen view because of how it truncates the top menus and all, but I can't have it covering my taskbar.

I allways had the same issue in ie as well.



I know about about:config

As well as about:mozilla

I think that's what it is anyways...


How are you replacing code with your own in firefox?

Are you compiling your own ver?, or are you spoofing the input and ouput of firefox?

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Sorta off topic but...

Do you know how to get rid of the embedded links?


I have that issue all over the place now with firefox, see lines under a generic txt, pointing to a darn add...

I got rid of this in ie, but firefox seem's like it's a diffrent story all together.


My first guess -> Adblock extension + download a filter file.

I think I haven't seen any adds in the last 6 months. And if I see any ads all I have to do is rightclick it and I'll never see it again.

Dfi-street is whitelisted ofcourse :)

That should solve you problem - if it doesn't post again with more details (www address, screenshot, page source, ...).

Stylish or greasemonkey extensions might also help (but are a bit advanced).


Also, 3rd mouse button, clicking it on a standered newer ver of it allows for that free scroll double arrow thingy, which is present in ie and all.

However I can't for the life of me figuer out how to enable it in firefox.

Tools -> options -> advanced -> general -> use autoscrolling.



Then one more...

The full screen view, by pressing F11 like in ie.

Is there a way to have it so it does'nt actually cover all other windows?

I prefer the fullscreen view because of how it truncates the top menus and all, but I can't have it covering my taskbar.

I allways had the same issue in ie as well.


I don' have that problem. But I have my taskbar set to "autohide".


How are you replacing code with your own in firefox?

Are you compiling your own ver?, or are you spoofing the input and ouput of firefox?


I am surrently using two extensions to get the upper effects:

1) stylish - change the CSS style of any web page to anything you want. This enables me to change the appearance of *any* html tag or *any* predefined style to anything I want (background, color, border, aligment, mouse over effects...). A little knowledge of CSS is required if you want to change the styles directly, but you can always copy/pase the styles from some other page (read "some other vBulletin forum" :)) or use some external CSS editing app.

Stylish can't change the content of the page like text or anything that isn't a visual part of the page - for that you can use:

2) greasemonkey - lets you change any aspect of a web page using a javascript scripts - change a element, add it, delete if, hide it - do *anything* you want... I use it to redirect image requests from the dfi-street forum to local images on my hard drive or to anyother images on the web - this is the only thing I couldn't do with stylish (actualy I could but it was to complicated).

The online tutorial (book!) is amazing.


Ofcoure you have to know what you want to change - for that you can use DOM inspector (you have to do a custom reinstall of firefox with the web tools enabled) and Web developer extension.


If anyone is interested I'll post more detail/scripts.

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please do not tell anyone how to remove the big red "READ THE RULES" thing on the first page of the main forum (you can do it privately if requested and they have already read and are following the rules).


that big giant red bit is there for a good reason...and we'd like to make sure it stays there for everyone (reading the rules and following them = saves you from a short/long ban)

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  • 1 month later...

Ok I tried FireFox again and noticed the download speed seems limited, is there an option or way to bump it up a bit. I tested with ATI.com and used the latest 6.4 drivers.


With FireFox I get around 400Kb/s but same file with IE and I get 990Kb/s.

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Ok I tried FireFox again and noticed the download speed seems limited, is there an option or way to bump it up a bit. I tested with ATI.com and used the latest 6.4 drivers.


With FireFox I get around 400Kb/s but same file with IE and I get 990Kb/s.



There ore some options for faster downloads on the firefox site but I never noticed a problem Firefox is always faster ATI might have some funky code going on or it could be luck.

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I woud'nt know what to change, it's been quite a while.

Ttl's and max connections and persistant conenctions, pipelining, etc, tons of stuff in there to tweak.


None the less know that you need to tweak the stack for the actual connection in windows anyways to get the max out of it.

Most inportant settings are:




I use 5DCh for mtu.

I use Ah for ttl.


For firefox, well, best you doit yourself, I'm setup for dialup and it's problems...

Then again I've never had issues on cable when I've been on it but still.

I'm to lazy to find all my stuff and post it here.


Thre's guides out there to get a start on it anyways, and it's best you have your own config ;).



There's another command too.



I dn if there was anymore or not.

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_xhp_, I thought you were gonna spend some time on the MBM5 nVidia card update.


How about giving MBM5 some attention. You know I am DYING to see what you come up with. :)


I will - eventualy ;)


I was working on a web related project so this was both fun and usefull for me. Also, it only took me about one hour to do it...

Actually, I made a few other things, like a preview of the first post of a thread on a mouse over:


It is a bit too slow, but it works...


I'm just to busy at the moment. The list of my current projects (sorted by priority):

1) My college projects:

a) Detection of objects based on their sound signatures in a distributed sensor network - this is the main reason I haven't finished the mbm plugin, this is a real free time killer :( ...

B) my graduation work...

c) web project/application I'm working on

2) upload a new version of the MBM plugin (bug fixes & minor updates)

3) a little bios modding project...

4) a little artificial inteligence project - bots for a game...

5) new features for my MBM plugin (fan duty cycle for fan monitoring - if my 6600gt supports it)

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