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Transmit Code Error 65


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Okay I'm fixing my brother's friend's machine and its getting this error when i try to tracert or ping Transmit Code error 65. The internet works fine but he can't use aim or play video games on the net.

Microsoft says its a zone alarm problem but he doesn't even have zone alarm <_<


Here is a link with ppl complaining about it. If anyone knows the answer please respond.

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Its highly unlikely, but, i have heard of cable or dsl companies blocking certain ports on their networks without having a firewall on your end. Something like that could be the problem, but like i said, its highly unlikely. Also, check the windows firewall settings, maybe it has something to do with that.




And concerning my mobo. Let me just say, ill bought some brand new kick . ram, and when i went to install it and tweak my cpu a little bit, i yet again, experienced sudden bios death. this is the second time this has happened to me in the past month and a half, so you can probably understand my frustration. ARG!! I have what you would call a love hate relationship with ASUS. :rolleyes:

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