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Ultra-D & x2 BIOS help

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Im planning on ordering my new computer in a couple of days (the one in my sig) and i just want to know whats the best BIOS for the Ultra-D that also supports dual core AMDs (3800x2) and where can i get them from? thx

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for full dualcore-support you need the 6-23-3 version. Start with that bios, later you can try the latest beta (will void warranty) from Tony@OCZ. You´ll find all bios versions on Tmod´s great Bios-Flash-CD (Bios section), just make sure to follow the guide "how to flash a bios".

Good luck!


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not sure about the current ultra-d's - I got mine 13 months ago. Under bios factory section, find Tmod's bios cd thread and create urself a bootable cd with bioses. (for future use)


I am pretty sure that ur new ultra-d will recognize x2 just fine... I had the 3000 winny, changed to opty 146, and then x2 3800, then opty 146 again - no problems at all.

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I think my Ultra D came with the 5-10 BIOS. It ran fine on my dually, it just was not sure how to name the thing. With the 6-23, it knows it is an Opteron 165. I suspect any BIOS that can be had with the board will work with dual core. But being ready to go to 6-23 makes sense.

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