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Venus bios: 2 Questions...

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dun forget to post the result and conclusion :nod: :P



waiting it hardly :drool: :drool: :D

heh... dunno if i got some guts to do it :P if got any screenie from enzo friend sure i'll flash it... cz right now my mobo still can hit 300 with TCCD ram 1:1 :D

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I didn't start this thread so that a bunch of people would flash the venus bios to their expert... I started it so that I could find out if it was indeed compatible. I would not recommend flashing until we get some official word instead of the word of a friend of a friend... If you guys want to be guinea pigs, then sure, go ahead, but I wouldn't quite yet. That's just me though.

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while it is conceivable that you can flash one board's bios to another and get it to work (some did it with the Lanparty NF2 and Infinity NF2 boards etc), it is foolish to do such a thing


the boards ARE different, and they are designed differently


you look at two pictures and tell yourself 'well gee they look exactly alike to me' and that is really where the problem begins, because you are NOT an engineer, and you have no clue what exactly went on when remaking the board.


how many traceroutes were changed on the board for better voltage regulation?


how many sensors were replaced to make temp/voltage monitoring better?


how many sensor traceroutes were changed/replaced?


how many PWMIC traces were changed?


how many DRAM traces were changed altered?


how many how many how many how many how many how many????


you don't know do you?


you just hear rumors that the Venus board is just an Expert board and the only difference is that there are now all aluminum caps bang bang I know the answer.



I mean, if you want t go flashing one board's bios to a different board, more power to you



In the meantime, Rgone and I and those of us who really understand such things sorta scratch our heads and laugh at the...well I don't know what I'd call it...the overpowering NEED to just flash flash flash mod mod mod tweak tweak tweak....?





and for those of you that think you know more than we do about such things because you read it at XS or some other forum full of experts (who mysteriously know more than our own engineers but yet most of them live at home with mom and dad at 35 years of age or work in a mom-n-pop computer store etc but not a SINGLE ONE of them actually is an engineer for a MOTHERBOARD MANUFACTURER *AHEM*)



1. flashing a bios not intended for your motherboard instantly voids the warranty. Period. (Oskar has implemented a way to track how bioses are being flashed for this specific purpose...beware)


2. flashing a bios not intended for your motherboard has a funny way of destroying the motherboard because it is looking for something in one spot from say the "Expert" board, and yet it is in a totally different location on the "Venus" board...so the board tries to compensate etc and pow pow smoke smoke buh-bye motherboard (or mobo caps, resistors, blah blah blah)


3. flashing a bios not intended for your motherboard has a funny way of also destroying such inexpensive components as processors and memory and even video cards, possibly power supplies, etc


oh...wait...those things are usually more expensive than the motherboard! (Well, the Venus apparently is pretty darn expensive).


Gosh, lets flash our $300.00 motherboard with a bios that was intended for some other board that majority of you already claim is inferior or defective or everything that the $300.00 motherboard you just bought SHOULD have been...I mean, how bright of an idea is that? Oh, and by the way, that funny smell and loud popping was just your 4400+ and probably your OCZ 520w psu, you know...no big deal...and you know damn well that DFI isn't going to cover it since you uh...decided to flash a bios to it that doesn't belong to it...and you know that AMD and OCZ are probably not gonna help ya since YOU caused it by doing something STUPID...and you know...newegg or whoever your vendor is is probably going to get your stealth-RMA back and see some burn marks or smell the burn or something and they are gonna laugh a bit as they pack it right back up and ship it back to you (and wish they could include a hidden camera to record your facial expression followed by 10 minute ranting and cursing when you open up the box only to find a denied RMA and your smelly charred burnboard back hehe)




but you know


Angry doesn't know much of anything if you listen to anyone here in these forums.


It aint like he and Rgone haven't seen this exact scenario more than a few times


and it aint like we've had to deal with moron customers threatening lawsuits because we wouldn't honor their warranty or replace their $1000 cpu that they knowingly and willingly burned out by doing this exact dumb scenario of using a bios that was never intended to be used


I mean, HELLO PEOPLE!!!!!


do you think if we wanted to let you use the Expert bios on this board we wouldn't just you know, do it like we did with the NF4-D/Ultra-D/SLI-D/SLI-DR original NF4 boards...and make them UNIVERSAL? (ie if you have ANY of those 4 boards, you can use the same bios to flash it! but see it don't work that way with the Expert board, and it don't work that way with the Venus board).



but again...what do I know right?


just trolling through while I'm sick trying to make everyone angry by pointing out how foolish it is to do such dumb things...especially with such an expensive motherboard....tsk tsk

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Awww ... come on Angry.


All us really smart people know to FIRST dump the burnt mobo in the dish washer to wash off the char smell - and MOST IMPORTANT - put the FIRE OUT before shipping a board back for RMA.


The techs tend to notice smoke still rising from the returns.


(Believe it or not, some of us DO listen/read and appreciate all the work you guys do for us.)


And the rants really help to brighten the day, too! :nod:


Oh, and Yes, I have kept my new Venus (hope it works); and NO - I have NO INTREST in flashing it with that really good BIOS Abit had for there Celeron 300A mobo! :D

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I don't think people would be so hungry for a new bios or any alternate bios to try if there weren't known unresolved issues with the Expert. Take my issue for example, I had cold boot issues with UTT and the Ultra-D. I sold the Ultra-d and utt and bought some tccd and an Expert. I just want something that works properly. I know that my tccd would work like a charm in the earlier boards but not the Expert. I've also been told that it's a hardware issue and also that it could be fixed with a bios update. I'm now being told that the Venus is the answer to all of my problems. I think I've spent enough money so far and shouldn't be expected to run out and get a new board every time an issue crops up.

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Thank you for your OFFICIAL response there AG. That was EXACTLY what I was looking for. I just wanted to know if the bioses were going to be universal between the venus and the expert and you seem to have given a more than adequate explanation of it. I thank you for explaining it, because I would have believed a simple "no, they are not compatible" coming from you, but I'm not sure others would do the same. :sweat: I now have absolutely no reason for the venus bios.


I am fairly impressed with OCZ Tony's E704-2BT bios so far though. I was able to boot up (not stable of course) to 275 1:1 with my RAM with the same exact timings that I could only boot up to 265 before (260 stable) with the official 12/7 bios. I haven't seen about any CPU performance gains yet, but I think that is about the same from the little I've messed with it. It seems the memory has benefitted greatly from this bios though so I don't really have a need to have another for now. I'll post my best overclock in the OCDB when I get done tweaking with this bios.


Again, THANK YOU AG!!! ;):D;)

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If have run the Venus bios on my Expert. And it works really good.

My OCZ EB go a little bit higher.

And 3D-Marks runs @ 280 CL3-3-2-8 perfectly ;)




Really good bios :cool:

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