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LAN dang it...

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All right, so neither of my LANs are working. I didn't install nForce or the Firewall. I haven't updated anything on the computer besides the video card. Like I said before, Windows did automatic updates on their own, so I imagine that the Vitesse worked to some extent. I heard on here that the Marvell is more realiable. Early yesterday, I crossed my fingers and triend it again. To my amazement, it worked! As a matter of fact, it was awesome! I got it to download at over 800 kB/sec! You can't imagine how happy this made me...


Well, I left it running overnight and when I came to the computer the next morning, it wasn't working any more.


I know that other people have had problems with their LANs on this board. How did you solve it? At this point, I would be willing to try anything, even if it didn't directly apply to my certain problem.


This is the only thing left that I am having problems with on my eXpert. As soon as I can get this fixed, I will be elated!!

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what chipset/LAN drivers have you tried for your Nvidia LAN?


what BIOS are you using on your Expert?


personally, as much as I have faith in integrated periphials, on my main workstations and server in teh lab, I always use a 10/100 3COM or Intel PCI NIC card because...well...because I hate integrated voodoo.


but this I know doesn't solve your problem...so answer the two questions I gave ya and we'll go from there.

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On the Marvell I tried the yk50_86_83523 & yk51_86_83523 Generic Marvell Yukon Chipset based Gigabit Ethernet Controller drivers that I download from the Marvell website. The ones that were already in there were yk50_86_72943 & yk51_86_72943 listed under C:Program FilesMarvellMiniport Adapter. When I had it working for a day, it was on the default drivers. After it stopped working, I tried the newer versions, neither which made any difference. I even tried uninstalling the drivers themselves, rebooting the computer, and letting the system decide which ones to choose.


The Marvell, at this point, seems to be only recieving packets in the status property. On the other hand, the Vitesse only sends packets. Strange? I ahven't tried any new drivers for the Vitesse because I'm not sure which drivers to use and I have heard that the nVidia nForce drivers are nothing but problems for the rest of the system too.


By the way, when I uninstalled the drivers, when the computer rebooted and recognized the LANs itself, they were named in consecutive numbers, so it had to be keeping track somewhere. I now have network connections 6 & 7. Out of curiousity, would it do me any good to find the source of where it is keeping track of them to know that I have unistalled them that number of times and take care of that?


I'm at the full extent of my knowledge at this point, which I am not ashamed to say. Everything from here on out, and much getting to this point, will be a learning experience.


So, do you suggest that I just try some other drivers for the Vitesse? Many people on this forum have said that there Marvell LAN is the one that they use and certainly the more relaible of the two. Would it be best just to concentrate on ONE and just get that working before, or if, I consider fixing the next?


Thank you for your reply, Angry. Let me know if there is something else you need to know or something that I do not know well enough to include.

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But you got us all at a strange spot for recommending drivers. What operating system are you using? While in the process of needing help it is best to post as much valuable stuff like bios and o/s in the signature so that them what might help can determine how they might help.


After you get over the needs to knows, then the signature might be a little less complete or maybe cut down a little.



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I just took apart my Sony Vaio Pentium 4 2.8ghz apart for the first time. I've only had it for close to two months (payment for labor). It just really made me angry to realize that this system with sub-par parts is running the chipset LAN fine. My eXpert system is so much better than this and I can't seem to get it working...


I know that it is my own lack of knowledge that is holding my new system back, but I just wish that everything would work right out of the box. I know that is a lot to ask...


When does RAM'ing the board become an option? Is there a chance that I just got bum LANs? I mean, as I said, it was working. When I first got it, it wouldn't work. Then, it did for a day, just to tease me. I love my eXpert. I may just get fed up enough to go buy a Gigabit PCI.




SO, anyway...should I just go ahead and update my BIOS. It's not going to hurt or help this current situation, probably, but is it suggested?

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I don't know if its possible for you or not, but would it be feasible to reformat/reinstall? My brother's DFI was doing the exact same thing, and he eliminated it be doing a fresh install and installing the nvidia chipset drivers, basically ignoring the 2nd LAN port.

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I haven't tried a fresh instal, but that might be coming soon.


What I did just try was to disable the Marvell in the BIOS and then try the Vitesse by itself and vice-versa. Still, neither worked. I also tried updating the nForce drivers from the Nvidia website, but that also did not work.


Like I said, one of them shows that it is recieving and the other sending. I just googled this problem and there were many people out there with the same exact problem. Well, there were at least ten that I found. Unfortunately, none of them wrote back on the forum that they had posted the problem on what their actual solution was, if they found one.


I think that I will try a new install of Windows and a new install of all the drivers and see how that goes.



On a strange note, I think my Windows just realized that it was Professional Corporate. Up to this point, it was the regular sign-on screen at the beginning of windows with the little picture icons beside each user and also the regular shut down menu with Standby, Turnoff, & Restart buttons. Now, the sign-on screen is just a log-in box that says Windows Professional and you have to type in the user's name and the shut down menu has a list of drop-down options. Also, now, when you press CTL+ALT+DEL, it asks you what you want to do instead of just pulling up the Task Manager.


Is anyone familiar with the different versions of Windows enough to explain why my Windows just realized that it was Professional. I didn't do anything different. Maybe it was just having an identity crisis?



SORRY, I got off my original problem, but that Windows thing was a little odd. This makes me even more decided to do a fresh install...



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Looks like you disabled some options in Users.

Goto Control Panel>User Accounts>Change the way users log on or log off

Are both boxes checked? If Use Welcome Screen is unchecked, that'll explain the new look.

IMO if your the only user, fast user switching doesn't need to be enabled.

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SO, guys, whats the suggestion? Should I re-install? I guess it couldn't hurt...


Let me know what else could be done besides reformating/re-installing, please.




i also suggest backing up anything important and re-installing to see if that eliminates it


we try to never recommend such things but sometimes its good to do so (especially on a new build as you shouldn't have much on it yet)

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