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Oc'ing My 2600+


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Hi all I have a 2600+ and the most I can oc it to is 202mhz stable. Here is some info on my system.


DFI Lanparty nForce2 Ultra

T-Bred B AMD XP 2600+(default 12.5 X 166=2088 via wcpuid)

Vantec Aeroflow HSF w/AS3 (48C @ 100% cpu load measure from on-die temp sensor)

2 X 256mb Corsair XMS 3200 C2 @ 2-3-3-11 in dual channel

Antec 480watt TruePower PSU


While running at 202mhz (at a mult. of 11.5) my vDIMM is @ 2.65v and my cpu voltage is 1.775v. If i try to go to 203mhz I have instability, even if I raise the cpu voltage to 1.8v and vDIMM to 2.8v. It think it is safe to say that the ram is not to blame for the barrier but do you think its my cpu? I know that each cpu oc's differently from one to another but is this average for a 2600? I dont wanna push my cpu past 1.8v even though my board supports up to 2.0v. I have even tried raising the chipset voltage to 1.7v but still no luck. Oh yeah my northbridge is warm but not burning hot to the touch(I am wearing a grounding strap).


Right now im running stable at 200mhz fsb (11.5 mult./2305mhz), 1.75v vCore, and 2.65v VDIMM. I have tried running a mult. of 12 but the most i could get was 193mhz fsb.

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Well after lowering the mult. to 10 I could still only reach 202mhz fsb. I guess its my mobo that is to blame but I dont wanna RMA it as it is the only mobo that I have available. Plus newegg requires you to pay shipping both ways. I guess a oc of 2305mhz isn't too bad.


Its funny though as the same mobo reviewed at AnandTech could reach a fsb of 227mhz! I guess it was a hand-picked mobo specially given to them for testing.

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your ram is only rated to 200mhz ddr400mhz try goign to cas2.5 and go to 2.8vdimm. it could be your mem just because one place got the board to a certain speed doesnt mean they allreach that speed .also i think your board has chipset voltage options move that up a lil also

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Ok, after doing some testing with my neighbor, I can conclude that my cpu is at fault. My neighbor owns a Abit NF7-S and has a barton 2500 running at 214mhz fsb. So, I took my 2600 over to his rig with my ram and heatsink and installed them into his rig and still could only get 202mhz fsb :( . I tried raising the vCore to 1.8v and vDIMM to 2.7v but still no luck. My neighbor, being the fanatic oc'er he is, decided to put his 2500 in my rig with my ram and heatsink and it was able to hit 221mhz fsb. The core voltage was 1.775v, chipset voltage default (1.5v I think), and vDIMM was 2.5v. So I know that my mobo can reach 221mhz fsb. Im stoked that my mobo can reach that level but im just being limited by my cpu. I guess whenever my 2600 dies I'll go out and get a barton.

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2600 are not much bigger than 2500 in fact the latest being bartons gives them an edge.

everybody considering a new CPU please dont go above 2500+

even 3000+ is a waste of money 2500's are easily oc'able to that speed w/good copper coolers.

I go like this " :( " when i hear someone that bought a 3000. Even a 3200 is so close to the oc'ed 2500+ and 2500+ are a "lot" cheaper.

Edited by kobalt

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the 3000+ seems to be the better overclocker than the 2500+. amd does bin there cpus so the hcances of getting a higher final speed is better with the 3000+ sure its not going to oc400mhz like the barton2500+ but 2400mhz will probally be easier to reach at a lower voltage .

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