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Ah 68ns lol, I thaught it was 38ns :).


My best for latency was 66 or somehting like that.

Maybe it was slightly lower, I beat the x2 3800+ once, still it's hard to beat those with this old board and with this memory.


A few days ago I hit 3953 for read bandwith.


Long long ago I hit over 4100 in sandra, but that's sandra.

I was probably unstable at the time, 280mhz fsb 1:1, all 4 timings and crap like that(But cas2.5 and cmd1 at that..., still don't understand that one either).

To this day I don't know why my bandwith was so high though, because I'm really close to it with much better timings.

That was in single chan too, and I'm only now finally starting to get to that with dual chan :.


Funny thing is, if I try to do the same now, it totally fails memtest.

I played through doom3 completely like that though, as well as 3dmark03, etc etc.

Though I was using that 505 bios and a diffrent slot, someday I will figuer it out.



Thanks for the comparison though :).

I know that alot of poeple that ran 250 with tight timings got around that speed as well, around 3900megs a sec and such, more or less.

Seems to be right on track.


It must be the dual channel that gets that latency way down and bandwith way up(figuered the bandwith), nf3 and nf4's.


From the sounds of it, it seems to oc alot easier though, the cpu(at64's).




I would run higher htt then memory if possible.

That way the cpu can handle more then just the memory going to it.

Figuer at 32bit min(up to 128bit, but not gonna count that stuff), an extra 10mhz on the cpu's bus, htt I think it is...


10mhz x 4bytes = 40megs a sec @ each 10mhz of htt, min bandwith gained.

Basicly the same as the pci bus, up it 33mhz and you can handle a whole pci bus'es worth extra on top of everything else.

However max bandwith gained if you're using sse, 10mhz x 16bytes = 160megs a sec max gained.


Not many people would actually even think of that so I gotta hand it to ya for trying a higher htt or whatever it's called over memory speed..

It would be worth it, even if the gains are rare(ie direct cpu access from a device other then memory, while memory is being accessed by the cpu).


Your system seems to be shaping up nicely in anycase :)

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NO, i'm afraid you totaly misunderstood me.


i left everything on auto cept for 2-2-2-5-1T for 228bus 2.5GHz like you requested and got these results.


Everest 2006: 39.8ns and 3557mb/s mem bandwidth @ 2500mhz (my best lats are 36ns)

SuperPI: 34s @ 2500mhz (my best is 28s)


these are the scores you asked me to run at 228x11 2500mhz on my NF3-250GB/Newark. these are nowhere near my best scores on my NF3 SYSTEM since i run, right now, 3000mhz ht300mhz and DDR500 mem., and i'll be going up to 3300mhz ht315 DDR520 mem.




the other things i was talking about was my best with a system like yours

like my best mem bandwidth on my NF2 mobo was 260mhz 2.0-2-2-2-10-1T-9-11-3-3-4-3-2-2-4 on my NF2 system my best on that system is 4100mb/s mem bandwidth at those timings. and my best SuperPI was 38s and my best everest lats were 68ns on my NF2 SYSTEM.


the A64 NF3 system i have now, compared to my highly tweaked and overclocked NF2 system, totally kicks my old NF2 in the butt. don't get me wrong, i still have love for my NF2 system, but it doesn't compare at all.



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A64 socket 754? Yep, those are very powerfull... only thing missing is the memory controller (I guess).


Benchmarks like SuperPi and other real world stuff show the 754 being quite faster than the Socket A Bartons; I have no personal experience since I don't have a 754 here, but I do have a 462 with a Barton Mobile in a NF2 mobo (NF7)... aww, I miss Soundstorm a little; only onboard audio that was worth something :)

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my mem bandwidth is running 4160 once your get your timming off auto and get up into the 2.9 area your mem bandwidth will get up to normal.Trc and Trfc makes big changes in mem bandwidth

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Found this link in another thread http://www.short-media.com/review.php?r=300


I am sure you know how to overclock already but it helped me alot.

I can run 2940...245x12..memory at 210..volts 1.55..50c load..prime stable.

I can also run 295x10..memory at 216..volts 1.55..50c load..prime stable.


Both are my best choices when using this optimizer guide.



I can run 1 to1 with the 245x12 but keeping the timings instead.

I can run 1 to 1 295x10 if I use one stick.


After using the first link I am sure that my cpu is not gonna do 3000 prime stable.

2990 is doable but with too much heat at 1.65v..55c

Hope yours clocks better. Maybe the water will help also.

I had water on this for a little while but just a 120 rad. temps were 5c

better than my zalman 9500 but 2990 was still tops.

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my mem bandwidth is running 4160 once your get your timming off auto and get up into the 2.9 area your mem bandwidth will get up to normal.Trc and Trfc makes big changes in mem bandwidth
well, i'm running 3.0GHz right now on air. it's just that i haven't gotten all the timings figured out so my bandwidth is down a bit.


i was able to get 4100mb/s out of my NF2 around 256~260mhz so i know the timings are whats holding my mem bandwith down to around 3790 at 250mhz. i know Trfc made a difference on my NF2 but Trc didn't so much and it's the same on my NF3, i get the same performance wheter it's set to 7 or 11; but yes, Trfc makes a difference but i've found that the two setting play off each other. if one is too high and the other is too low, my performance gets worse, and same goea vice versa. it's all the other timings i need to work with that aren't in the NF2 bios. the Trfc and Trc are old news.



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Found this link in another thread http://www.short-media.com/review.php?r=300


I am sure you know how to overclock already but it helped me alot.

I can run 2940...245x12..memory at 210..volts 1.55..50c load..prime stable.

I can also run 295x10..memory at 216..volts 1.55..50c load..prime stable.


Both are my best choices when using this optimizer guide.



I can run 1 to1 with the 245x12 but keeping the timings instead.

I can run 1 to 1 295x10 if I use one stick.


After using the first link I am sure that my cpu is not gonna do 3000 prime stable.

2990 is doable but with too much heat at 1.65v..55c

Hope yours clocks better. Maybe the water will help also.

I had water on this for a little while but just a 120 rad. temps were 5c

better than my zalman 9500 but 2990 was still tops.

well, i'll give the guides a once over, all i need is to get used to what the different settings do in the mem page in the bios. there's other ones in the NF3 that weren't in the NF2. personally i'd like to see all of the NF2 settings plus all the new NF3 settings in the NF3's mem page in the bios, but that ain't happenin.


wow, 1.65v for 2990? what kind of air cooling are you using? i'm using the 948U w/SF II and i'm running 1.575 at 3066mhz max stable. any higher voltage with air cooling and the heat hinders my clock. right now, with two stick of ram i can run in 2D all day long at 3000mhz (10x300) 180 divider / 272mhz 2.0-3-4-5-1T but soon as i fire up a 3D app, it crashes *sigh* ....so right now i run 3000mhz (10x300) 166 divider / 250mhz 2.0-3-3-5-1T timings. but once i get my water cooling up and running (waiting for cooling fluid i ordered from DD) i'll be trying to for 3300mhz (10.5x315) 166 divider / 254mhz 2.0-3-3-5-1T timings. i really think it'll do it. last chance i had with my water was only a day and half and i got 3200mhz, but on air back then i was only at 2950mhz and i've increased that to 3066mhz, so i think on water i should be able to work into 3300mhz.


yah, my best at 1:1 is 270mhz but it's not S&M stable so it's not prime stable ether. no matter the timings, but then again i've got some things to learn about making my mem stable at it's highest bus. so i rsigned myself, for now, my best and S&M stable is the same as yours, 245mhz 1:1 at 2.0-2-2-5-1T timings.


so i'll give the guides a once over and see if i can't pick any up from them about the mem page setting in the bios.



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well, i'll give the guides a once over, all i need is to get used to what the different settings do in the mem page in the bios. there's other ones in the NF3 that weren't in the NF2. personally i'd like to see all of the NF2 settings plus all the new NF3 settings in the NF3's mem page in the bios, but that ain't happenin.


wow, 1.65v for 2990? what kind of air cooling are you using? i'm using the 948U w/SF II and i'm running 1.575 at 3066mhz max stable. any higher voltage with air cooling and the heat hinders my clock. right now, with two stick of ram i can run in 2D all day long at 3000mhz (10x300) 180 divider / 272mhz 2.0-3-4-5-1T but soon as i fire up a 3D app, it crashes *sigh* ....so right now i run 3000mhz (10x300) 166 divider / 250mhz 2.0-3-3-5-1T timings. but once i get my water cooling up and running (waiting for cooling fluid i ordered from DD) i'll be trying to for 3300mhz (10.5x315) 166 divider / 254mhz 2.0-3-3-5-1T timings. i really think it'll do it. last chance i had with my water was only a day and half and i got 3200mhz, but on air back then i was only at 2950mhz and i've increased that to 3066mhz, so i think on water i should be able to work into 3300mhz.


yah, my best at 1:1 is 270mhz but it's not S&M stable so it's not prime stable ether. no matter the timings, but then again i've got some things to learn about making my mem stable at it's highest bus. so i rsigned myself, for now, my best and S&M stable is the same as yours, 245mhz 1:1 at 2.0-2-2-5-1T timings.


so i'll give the guides a once over and see if i can't pick any up from them about the mem page setting in the bios.




Sorry error on my part I meant 1.612 for the 2990=1.55+104%

1.65 does not gain anymore overclock

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Sorry error on my part I meant 1.612 for the 2990=1.55+104%

1.65 does not gain anymore overclock

what do you use for cooling?


i use 1.4v + 113% which is 1.58v for 3000mhz; 1.61v for 3066mhz on air altho i can go up to 3125 using 1.61v it's just not S&M stable.



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