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Nice OC there ;)


So when we gonna see pic's of it all together?



Thanx Nautilian,

it's in a bit of a mess right now b/c i'm expecting my RMA pump parts from Asetek coming back within the next 10 days. so i thought i'd take the pix then, when my permenant installation with water cooling is done. Ill have a new OC as well. last time i got 2950mhz on air and 3200mhz on water, but you can see i've raise my air cooling frequency to 3000 stable and so i'm hoping i get over 3200 stable on water.


but if people want to see my case as it is right now on air, i'll surely take some pix :) .




EDIT: There are also 14 pix listed on the first post of my thread from the first build before everything went south and i had to RMA the water pump, mobo, vid card. But now i have a new vid card 7800GS. There will be new pix with all the new parts in it when it's all done.

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welp, i got my system stable up to 3066mhz on air with 1.6vcore with a 12.5multi on a HT246mhz bus and since i'm using a half multi it sets my mem bus at 236mhz. i'm able to run 236mhz 2-2-2-5-1T with my TCCD 2x512. my first go at air b4 my first board died was only 2950mhz so i've made some progress on air. this gives me hope that my 3200mhz on H2O may be able to go higher now that i've had time to goof around with the mobo settings.


i can't use my divders when using DIMM slots 1&2 but if i switch them to 1&3 i can run 3000mhz HT300mhz bus and 272mhz mem bus 2-4-3-8-1T. my TCCD is strange, it hates 2.5 and 2T; never heard of that b4.


i get the same performance numbers both ways, but the HT300/272mem feels quicker.


here's my best shot at 1:1





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Hey GM What do you use to test for stability ?
i use many apps. S&M on 100% Load for both CPU and Memory stress testing, SuperPI on 32mb, prime95, 3D01, 3D03, 3D05, 3D06.... altho since i don't have my 7800GS back from RMA and i'm only running this crappy FX5200 i had laying around, i've only ran 3D01.


i must admit, that after an hour of prime95 i got bored waiting so i stopped it and went on to other more intensive apps. S&M on 100% load, really packs a punch for stability testing, and takes a shorter time. also, it has different settings for load, 100% which the cpu is usually never under for 30mins (medium run), 75% load which is more like prime95's stress Load for Video Games and 3D apps, and average load of 50% for desktop and internet apps. it even tests your PSU/Vid card.


S&M and OCCT are much tougher on your system than running prime95. [H]ocp was the first of many websites to discover prime95 not running a 100% Load. i think a half way decent way to test your whole system at once running the average load, not full load, is to run prime95 and loop 3D01 overnight. this would give a good indication of it's stability, but still not place your cpu and memory subsystems under 100% load.


i tested for this last OC S&M 100% load, average test time, for both cpu and memory stress testing. then 32mb superPI.



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If it's not primestable, it's still not stable ^^.


S&m works well, but it's meant for quick testing, nothing else.

For testing the begining of testing after memtest, or afterwards to finilize an oc.


It cannot replace prime nor superpi.


I reccomend both s&m and priming.

And maybe superpi in the middle.

If you prime, you might as well skip on superpi.


Using blend mode in prime does not cut it, it's just the ways things are.



Occt is a pos.

There's only a few others I've seen actually agree with this publicly.


Prime does not use 100% load, of course it does'nt lmao(actually it does, but the priority is on idle, but this means nothign because it was made this way).

It states this right in the readme's :.

In 2k adv server, it's possible to take away to much cpu time from it so it does'nt run very hard.


On everything else including 2k3, it'll run just fine in the background unless you're running say deeplogic.

In that case it would take awy to much cpu time.


2k adv server has it's advatages as being the better multitaskers, in most respects.

however when it comes to prime, it gives alot of time to it compared to the other os'es, so it's easy to take away from that.

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