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That was a problem on my old Intel system. The memory bandwidth was bottle necked by the miserable FSB DATA TRANSFER RATE of the Intel system when running ddr 500 dividers at STOCK FSB speeds. Basically, the FSB was unable to transmit information as fast as the memory could provide it. That has little relevancy to what you are describing with the memory controller.
the "FSB DATA TRANSFER RATE" is controlled by the NB which has the memory controller in it. so it makes perfect sence that if you used to overclock your FSB to alleviate the bottleneck then once the memory controller moved "on die" of the cpu, increasing the frequency of the cpu also increases the performance of the memory controller as if it were like overclocking the FSB and CPU to the same performance frequncies.
Also irrelevant... I was not comparing one module to another. I am saying all else being equal, bandwidth wins superpi runs. Until you can provide evidence to the contrary I'm taking the upper hand here.

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All things are not equal are they, if the system has two different modules?


And yes, you are most likely correct about the BH-5 being slower than the TCCD. Too bad it isn't relevant to what we are discussing.

You mean BH5 is faster than the TCCD ;)


And yes it is all irrelevant because the discussion is about GM's new system :nod:

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It could be as simple as this board doesn't pump QUITE as much voltage as the last did on the same settings.
that was a thought i had, but increasing the voltage on the cpu by .25v or .5v made no difference, same goes for all the other voltages available.


if it is the mobo, then it would mean that the current conditioning circuitry isn't as robust as the first mobo i had.



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Anyways yeah let us let the lady get back to her thread yo ;).


I could of been worng about superpi and some sort of bandwith limit.

I will test more on my own though.


In any case, it seems that mhz is more inportant at 1st, then latency to peak it out for whatever you have.

Cpu being absolute 1st..., but the bus must actually be taken care of before hand of course...

But that's on my own parts.


Does'nt matter.

I'd rather not see her thread hijacked anymore because of somehting I mentioned.

I think there's some sort of limit, but it might by platform type, each platform and such would have there own peak perhaps.




Uhh, how embarresing :.

Well it seems I was wrong.


I can now gain by loweing latency after modding my memory sticks.

Modded both stick's:

tAC, tWE, tREF, and tCK.


Afterwards now I can lower the bus latency and actually gain from it.



Maybe perhaps you can only gain so much from bus latency.

Your memory must beable to fill it before you can decrease it.

Something, but again whatever.

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  • 3 weeks later...

welp, after a lot of work i changed out mobos as i have two NF3-250GB skt754 mobos and the one i had been using would only allow my overclock on water to get 3070mhz. so no that i have the 2nd mobo in with the Official DFI 623 bios that i never flashed i can now finally get 3200mhz on water again. so 3000mhz on high end air and 3200mhz on high end water :) ....i'm so relieve that the very first NF3-250GB i bought, that died and fried my vid card, i'm relieved that it ended up not damaging my CPU at all like i had thought.


i'm stable web surfing, superPI, even video gamig for hours at 3200mhz. i'm so happy. :) it idles at 30C Full Loads at 39C ...only bummer is that i can't max out my ram no matter what multi, divider, bus combination. best i can get is 246mhz mem bus with CL2.0 ..the next step up is 267 and my TCCD won't do CL2.0 at 267mhz unless i set the CR to 2T and then i get less performance, which defeats the purpose. Damn i wish my TCCD would run CL2.5 it's sposed to, but i have no idea why it won't.


but with an every closer 1M supePI score to 27s i'm much happier than being back at 30s+ when i was on air. i didn't realize this, but it's pretty hard to drop a full second off your 1M times. but i keep at it and i've dropped quite a bit of time off.


BTW ACE, when i was puting my system back together, i did take care and wires thing up nicely this time :P ...hehe


here's the fruit of my labor.....




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