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On The Anniversary Of...


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Well gigashadow.. i was writing my post while you wronte and posted that... thank you for showing your inability to let people have their own oppinions. everoyne doesn't have to conform to you. if oyu think they do go live communist there everyoen will think the same as you. Death is there. some people get over it. others dont. let people think as they please or all the "freedom" stuff was just a bunch of hypocrits and a waste of time


I'm not saying he can't think how he wants. Freedom of speech and all. I'm saying what he said is a pathetic way to think all be it his right to think that way, how ever sad it is. And I did do my time in the USArmy so he could think that way, it just makes me mad and sad at the same time that a person in this country could actually think like that. Sorry I didn't mean for it to turn into a ranting flame, but I get realy really pissed when a person can be so blind as to why we would remember sept 11 and not understand why no one gets excited over the things that have become main line like murders and car crashes, although in my opinion they should all be remember in some way, one day out of the year to prey for all that have died tragically and wastfully. I APOLOGIZE FOR BEING IGNORANT, EXCUSE ME!!



No I don't appologize, I ment almost everything I said to some extent, plus it's my freedom to be as ignorant as i want on some disturbed level. I also have no clue what your talking about, I never said anything about not having his own opinion, he's more than free to have it but at least understand why you have it.

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sooooooooooooo.. how bout them vancouver canucks  :)

way to switch the topic!! :P


I would like to see that kid who said he could care less about 9/11 stand in front of those estimated 3000 families who lost ther family members and those several thousand kids who lost their parent(s) and tell them he could care less.


any ways, not to bring it down any more, My prayers are always with people who have lost loved ones, i don't want to ever be in their shoes. May comfort always be with them.





ohhh, and about the vanvouver canucks, (what ever they are) i bet our US counterparts could beat them. :D jk I love our northern nieghbors.

Edited by william488

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