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Bios Or App O/cing?


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I've heard people prefer O/Cing in the bios over using programs like EasyTune. I'm fairly new to O/Cing and have fooled around with both. Any input into what is better and/or easier to use would be great, also some tips/advice. I'm running an AMD 2500+ Barton, 514 DDR 400 HIS Radeon 9600 128 on a Gigabyte 7vt600.

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ok, what should i set the Easytune settings to??I dont want to uninstall is because i use it as a temp. monitor unless some one can recomend a better program for that. Also just looking at stuff in Sandra i get a case temp of 27(which easytunes reading match) CPU temp of 27 (ET reads 52) and and Power temp of 52.ETs cpu and Sandra Power temps match, is this just due to the differnt programs reading differnt sensors in their own way?any input?

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