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Help w/ OC! Is my dfi bad Oc.er ?


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I Bought a venice ( ADA3200DAA4BW LBBWE 0523FPMW Z719376F50535 ) 3 days ago, and the person that sold me the processor, said it run at 2.9 Ghz, at 1.610 V and 2.6 ghz, at 1.425V *(All Vcores at bios values ) ...


*My Memo can run at 290 mhz ! ( 290*9 2600mhz OK )


So, the BIG PROBLEM is :

290*10 = not stable


I tested a lot of configs, and i cant go to 2.9 ghz STABLE... For example; 270*10 1.45V to 290*10 1.610 V, I can load windows, but prime, or occt says it is unstable. anything higher 2.6 is unstable... So... What is the problem? Can be the mobo? T tryed memo 1:1, and another divisor, but all gives unstability .


I Tryed To 1.68 V, and looks like the same of 1.610 V... Another Think !

Memtest aways give erros at test 6 ! ( only up 2.6 ghz ) ..


Im very very bored.......... :sad:

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most of the problems i see here are with powersupplys lower than 500watts. for example my cpu requires 89watts just to run stock. as your'e cpu clocks higher it will want more power if there is not enough is avalible it will crash. really shouldn't go over 1.6 volts on a 90mm chip.big risk on a burnout.

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A 1M super-pi calculation doesn't mean a lot, I wouldn't trust a 32M super-pi calculation to tell whether you are stable or not. I've had my Venice up to 2.6ghz @1.525v, run super-pi 32M like 3 times and gamed on it for a few hours, and next thing I know it crashes. Unless you Prime-95 it you have no guarantee that you are rock-stable.


Also note that there is a natural varation within parts; just because it ran stable on his rig doesn't mean it will on yours.

Also, how do you know that screen-shot was genuinly taken when your CPU was being used? The guy could just have got a good one up to that, and is selling loads claiming they go to 2.9ghz.


I'd still stick to the answer that it was never properly stable at 2.9ghz, like I say a 32M super-pi test doesn't prove stability

And 2.9ghz on a Venice at that low a voltage is insane, I couldn't get mine to go at 2.6 at that.

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29.5s in PI 1M means that it was set up as loose as a goose. I don't use 32M to prove stability, it is just a first step. If it will not pass 32M then it is not necessary to run Prime as it would surely fail. All I say is start at completely stock timings and then get it 100% stable. Then bump it up 10% and get it completely stable. Don't go from 2.0GHz straight to 2.9GHz and expect it to work. It took me 3 weeks to get my CPU completely stable @ 2.8GHz. The third week was almost all testing. I am sure there is more left, but as you will hear from everyone, the difference between 2.8GHz and 2.9GHz is almost unnoticeable, except in benchmarks. Set your sights much lower. Get it stable @ 2.3/2.4GHz and then work your way up. I too think it is BS that a Venice can run 2.9GHz stable under 1.6V. I had a really good one and it took 1.6+ to get over 2.75, and that was only partly stable.

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Hey Guys, I got a OCZ MOD STREAM 520 W

And the situation is the same, anything Higher thar 2.6 gets unstable...

i think is too much ''lucky'' for me to get 2 processors at the same OC range ( 2.6ghz )...


So, can be my MB a Bad Oc.er ?


Thanks everbody !

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2.6 is a pretty common overclock what is your heat sink and what does the TIM look like after application.


If you dont mind the risk and your memory can handle that speed you might also consider removing the top if you have a screw down heatsink.


Super Pi is not a real stability test prime is and you can facke that too.


That is a big gap between max boot and stable overclock AI bet you can go at least a little higher with tweaking.

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