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will these Cards SLI together?

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Will mt board run with this SLI set up.


I have the first G Card but they have now gone and upgraded it and i cannot seem to get the identical card...grrrr

So the only difference is one is DDR and one is DDR2.


Will these SLI ok?


Thoughts please


Gigabyte 6600 Silent Pipe, 256MB DDR PCI-Express, Tv-Out, DVI-I, Retail


Gigabyte 6600 Silent Pipe, 256MB DDR2 PCI-Express, Tv-Out, DVI-I, Retail


Many thanks



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The new Nvidia drivers allow different BIOS cards to run in SLI mode.

But I think the core and memory speed need to be the same though.

So, your DDR2 card may need to be underclocked, or if your DDR version's memory can be overclocked to that of the DDR2 speeds.

I guess you can try it without changing anything first, the worst that will happen is that it wont boot.........

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I guess you can try it without changing anything first, the worst that will happen is that it wont boot.........


...or fry those memory chips. Put the slower card (DDR1) on the first slot just to be safe that the 2nd card wont blew up.


PS: Sorry for my bad english.

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It wont automatically match the memory speeds for you so I dont see how it will blow up...................

But if you're concerned about it, I recommend underclocking the DDR2 to match the DDR to start off with........

How'd it go anyway?

Were you able to get it working??

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Ive bottled it at the moment as I have had to RMA my Main RAM as i had a bad stick...grrr.


I may flog the current G card and upgrade to two of the same spec and then dont have to worry about underclocking the cards and overclocking the MObo.


Thanks for the tips though.



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