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Need Suggestion for PSU power


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Hey guys building a HOME SERVER to run as a file server and a security monitor for my house. The specs I have so far are in my sig but was wondering how much power the system will need.


I have a Seasonic S-12 380w PSU currently on another system I am not using and was wondering if this will power the system. I will not be doing any overclocking on this system.


Sorry if info is vauge kinda sick atm and memory is going lol.



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On another thought should I even go with my NF3 board or should I get an NF4 Ultra D with an Opteron proc?


If the NF3 is 380W powerful enough? Also there will be at around 5 120mm case fans



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I recommend that board because paired with a dual core opty it performs as well as my dual xeon nacona machine for quite abit less money. I used that board in a build for a friend and of course I had to test it out so I could be dissapointed in my own choice of build.


If you move into an DFI NF4 the CPU, Vid card, etc can be used to upgrade the server.

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