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OCing guide Prime95 help

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I'm using the OCing guide in this forum. I’m doing pretty well but when I get to the part were I'm supposed to Prime when finding my max MHZ of my Proc with the Prime95 torture test. However when I select it I have four options.


1: Small FFTs (maximum FPU stress, data fits in L2 cache, RAM not tested much)

2: In-place large FFTs (maximum heat, power consumption, some RAM tested)

3: Blend (tests some of everything, lots of RAM tested)

4: Custom Min/Max FFT size (in K), Run FFTs in-place, Memory to use (in MB) and Time to run each FFT size (in minutes)


I don’t know which one I'm supposed to use?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've found that SmallFFTs' tend to irritate the CPU most and Large FFT's really give memory a workout. The blend is what I use to test everyting for long periods. You'll note the cPU temp goes up a little more when you run Small FFTs'. Custom alows you to assign amount of memory to the test so if you have 2 Gig, you can assign larger quantity of mem to the test.

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