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i loaded the NVRaid and SI3114 drivers from the disk i got with the board on this install, on the nlite installs i used newer ones, with both of these i get problems....i cannot figure this problem out, i went into recovery console and tried fixboot, cfgboot, fixmbr...none of them would work, saying the drive could not be found


when i am in bios and setup the 1&2 phy RAID and disable 3&4 phy RAID, it shows the 3&4 in the "standard CMOS Setup screen", yet no 1&2, which are the enabled ones, when i disable all of them, none are present in "standard CMOS Setup screen" then i enabled all of them and none of them are present again.....WTF is going on with this BIOS


The NF4 has huge problems with windows installs, why isn't this being addressed by vendors...XP won't allow me to manually install, when i slipstream i get a corrupted library


I would like to be more concise with my posts, but c'mon, i have done nothing but troubleshoot since i put the board in........I spent my hard earned money on something and i want some support, this is terrible...i look through 50+ threads, save 100's of bookmarks and cannot come up with a clear answer....

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I can only say what my prob was. My system never found the Raid 0. So I did a new image with nlite. And it worked. With all drivers for the board, so I mustn´t install them in the system. I did an install or changed them after installing Windows once and the problem was the same for you. The problem is that Windows XP uses its own drivers when you install the driver from FDD. If you install system (not Grafik, Sound e.g.) drivers manually in Windows it cant find the Raid on the next startup.


So in the end I think that Windows maybe overwrites your own NF4 drivers with Windows own drivers even if your not installing them from FDD. Make a new image with ONLY the new NF4 drivers. You have to google a little bit, there are a few examples. Its better to delete the Windows own drivers on the Installation CD.


Hope that helps



P.S. Sorry for my english :tooth:

P.P.S. Try the 6.70 version

P.P.S. I found a explanaition in german and will try to translate. When its no help for you maybe it will help others...



Creating new WINDOWS-INSTALLATION-CD with nlite:


First you need:


a.) up-to-date Mainboard Bios

b.) activated ACPI / Power Management to automatic

c.) Stable Hardware / Standard Bios ;-)

d.) A working Windows XP-CD (with or not with SP2)

e.) correct configurated Raid (BIOS / F10)



Use nlite Version 1.0 RC1 or above. The driver package can be found at





Start nlite and use what you want but you HAVE to use "driver integration"!


All content in the LEGACY folder (in the driver package IDEWinXP) have to be integrated in TEXTMODE. You have to integrate both drivers in Textmode.


Then you integrate all other drivers (e.g. SMBus / Ethernet...) as normal device drivers.


Burn it.


3.) If you get a message that two drivers are missing during install it might not be problematic.



P.S. There is another solution with ISOBUSTER if I find it I will translate that too...



Well I have found a floppy "image" :D that might work. Download this image and try it if you want:


Floppy image


I didn´t make this image but maybe it will work...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a similar weird error. When I installed windows on my 2x36gb raptor RAID 0 setup, it won't boot if i set the raptor's as the 1st and only boot device. BUT listen to this wacky shizzle. If I put in a bootable cd/dvd and set that optical drive to the 1st boot device and the raid raptors as the 2nd boot device and let it boot as I would normally, but don't press any key to boot to that cd/dvd, then windows boots correctly. WTF?!?!?! Any suggestions?

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i am having a similar problem installing a single Hitachi SATA2 drive at the moment but i managed to install my barracudas in a RAID 0 array no problems when i realised that i had to use the "sata raid driver floppy disk " which states that u have to install 2 sets of drivers for the mobo to recognize the array first....this bit caused me a few headaches until i read the NVRAID manual....


the 2 sets of drivers are NVIDIA RAID CLASS DRIVER and the NVIDIA NForce storage controller



and before ANYone says anything .....yes i should have read the manual first so why do the mobo manufactures insist on giving you a cd manual which u need a pc to view????

geuss thats what OEM mean then....lol

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so just to clarify. you cant get one of your HDD's in a raid setup to be recognised or -


you cant install windows?


1. test hard drives individually on sata 1 or ide 0 channel depending on what drive(obviously).


2. test dvd drive motor is working by installing it elsewhere or just swap it out and try reinstalling on new cd drive.


3. test windows disk on another machine (you dont have to install from it, just check the files can be read)


4. if you have not isolated your problem by now, PANIC! sumfins broke!!!

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too many people with similar, but different problems in the same thread. the person that started this thread is not using raid, so anyone else that has a problem and using raid, should use the search function and/or start their own thread.


Albert - do you have all four power connections plugged into the board? Did you ever get loaded into windows at all, or it starts with the errors before you can get into windows for the first time? Have you ran memtest to kinda prove that your system is stable before you started the install?

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