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RAID 0 and NCQ

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I just bought 2x Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 hds (SATA 150, NCQ). I'm planning to use them under RAID 0 mode. I have two questions:


1. When you press F6 to install the SATA/NVRAID drivers (you would normally do that through the floppy disk that came with your DFI board), is it possible to use a cd or dvd instead of a floppy disk? How? My PSU came with no floppy connector (I plan to RMA it soon, but the hds should arrive tomorrow, so I want to get that part done).


2. When you connect two NCQ-capable hds under RAID 0 mode, will both of them (or the "single" hd that results) still take advantage of NCQ?


Thanks in advance.

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Visit the local computer store and pick up 2 floppy power connectors. One to connect to your motherboard and one for the floppy drive. That will solve your immediate problem.


Don't worry about RMAing the PSU. If possible, buy a really nice, new PSU.


You can integrate the raid drivers into the Windows installation using nlite.



Use the drivers that came with the motherboard. I tried to inegrate the latest nVidia RAID drivers into my XP installation and got continuous reboots. I had to use the drivers that came with the computer to do the initial installation and then I upgraded to the newest drivers later.

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Thanks for answering, KaollaSu.


I'm afraid there's no "local computer store" here (only nearby very small stores that don't really have anything for people who want to build their own pc setups). I've been doing some online searching and that PSU floppy connector is quite hard to find, I think. Or I'm I missing something?


Would it be possible, assuming I have two recorder devices (a cd-rw and a dvd-rw), to burn a cd capable of acting and being recognised like/as a floppy disk?

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Your best bet would be to replace the PSU as it doesn't meet the minimum requirements for the board your using needs to be 480w and atleast 26A on 12V rail. See stickys for recommened PSUs. You can slipstream drivers into a copy of windows.

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Never mind, I found an adapter for the floppy. As for the PSU, I had no problems with it so far. A 480W is too expensive actually. I'll replace it later.


What about question 2, the NCQ thing?

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