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The Voltage Saga....Revisited


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It seems like my SD 3700 needs a lot of voltage, 1.63V, to be exact, in order for me to get it up to 2.7ghz. I know thats a lot of v's. My temps. at load hit 50C. I've read many conflicting ideas about voltages and temps. I guess I'm asking for opinions here.


Thanks Guys.



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Try to find the sweetspot where you gain a lot with little overvoltage.


10% overvoltage Is safe with good arcooling if you ask me, and more with good watercooling. I'm kinda on the high side because my current chip just refuses to move off without some decent kick in the back. On the other hand I dont really care if I kill my € 150,- CPU a few years to soon anyway.


Looking at your temps I would back it down a bit, 2.6 or 2.7 isnt going to make a difference anyway!

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Yeah, I guess your right about the extra 100 mhz. with hella V's. I can't help it. This OC'ing business is like an illness. It's like crack, but healthier. :nod:




LOL youre spot on with that :nod:

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