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No post after 5.11 install help!

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Redoing a windows install and put the new 5.11's in and now I get nothing, not even a post...tried the memory in other board and video card as well.


Down to mobo and proc, but I only have a socket 939 mobo and proc.


Anyone have any ideas?


Any help is appreciated.





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Are you sure you mean post?

Are you seeing windows trying to bootup sometimes?

Can you see a bootup logo for the bios, or the bootup screeb for the bios period?


I'm pretty sure it's the sw ide driver that screwed you over, but it's best we know if you're computer is working or not.



Did you memtest before installing windows, or prime before setting up your chipset drivers?

Perhaps you screwed your bios over from being to unstable at the time.

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Got it to restart, but only after doing the cmos trick, but it took two hours and a couple of trys to get it to start up...


Thanks for the replies,


Also getting low memory scores, though I am running 220 fsb 1:1, can anyone give me some tips on the memory settings...getting only 3900 or so on sisoft, which is really low, get around 6600 on my msi neo 2...





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Yep its a msi socket 754 but I made a mistake...the memory scores are around 3250 or so...varying a little...in sisoft memory bandwidth that is.


I can double these scores on my msi nforce 3 board, socket 939, Am I wrong in thinking that the memory scores should be better on the nf3 250...


Also Toast, can you suggest some memory settings, stable, yet a little over...


Thanks in advance.



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