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Which PCI-E graphics card should I get?


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I need to get a PCI-E graphics card for my new system. Currently I only have an old PCI card that can get me by for a bit, but it will only do 800x600 (yikes!)


My budget is about $100, maybe up to $130 at an absolute maximum. Rebate deals are okay. I have always been an NVIDIA graphics card fan, so I am leaning towards one of theirs. I do not plan to overclock the video card, and while bundled software would be nice, it is not necessary.


It seems like I would not want to go any lower than the 6600 series. Most seem to be available with either 128MB or 256MB. Looking at newegg.com, I see in my price range:


6600LE (128MB or 256MB)

6600 (128MB or 256MB)

6600 w/DDR2 (called GDDR2 on newegg.com) (128MB or 256MB)

6600GT (there are a few available after rebate that fall into my budget with 128MB)

6800XT (there is one available after rebate that falls into my budget with 128MB)


Generally it looks like all of the above have 8 pixel pipelines, whereas the LE has 4. After that it seems that the difference is in higher memory speeds. I of course would prefer a 256MB card over a 128MB card, but would a 6600GT 128MB or 6800XT 128MB be better than a 6600 256MB? I will not be overclocking the video card.


Which would have the best performance overall? Are they all really bunched together as far as performance goes? Is there a particular brand of card that is better than others? It seems like they would be, once you throw out the LE version. Thank you very much for your advice, I appreciate any suggestions you might have!

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Your budget is your biggest challenge. People are not responding because your system would not be balanced with anything less than a $209 6800gs or $269 7800GT. Its like putting regular gas in a Corvette. I would not suggest you spend $130 on an upgrade at this time. If so, I would go with an ATI product like a X700 Pro. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...MP=OTC-d3alt1me But since you asked: http://www.monarchcomputer.com/Merchant2/m...5&AFFIL=dt&NR=1

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I Agree with Roguester there, x700 pro is a nice card actually, its scored nicely in 3dmark 2003, well aboe the 6200 TC model nor the 6600 LE, but if you culd be more patience collect a few more dough and buy yourself a nice 6800GS.

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It's easy to say "Rise your budget" but it's extremely difficult - When you're on a tight budget, it's ususally for a reason ;)


If you can't get the extra cash together for a 6800GS I'd say get a 6600GT. The GPU is so good it doesn't even need the extra 128MB of RAM because it's extremely efficient. I used a 6600GT for almost a year and had no problem with it at all, if fact I could play almost any game at max at 1024x768 or 1280x12024 on high - It's the best card you have listed (not sure about the 6800XT) and is slightly faster than a X700pro.


Hope that helps.

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best bang for the buck...save your money for this as it is a 16-pipe card for $185


if you have to mow lawns or shovel snow for 8 hours a day for two weeks to make the extra, do it


if you have to sell blood to afford the extra, do it


if you have to run a black market human organ operation...do it lol


its always worth it to save a little extra, a little longer, a little more patiently, to get something worthwhile instead of just getting something you can get now now now because you have to have it now now now now

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Thanks for the reply. I have to admit, with my Nvidia bias, it would take a hell of a good deal to make me go ATI unfortunately....


Any suggestions on the Nvidia side of things?


As far as the money, yeah I could save a bit longer, but I had only budgeted 100-130 max on a video card to start with. I don't need the latest and greatest, just something good, as I don't game much. I am also faced at booting up my new machine shortly after Christmas and looking at a screen at 800x600 resolution (max of my only available vid card now). While that is certainly bearable, something about it makes me cringe...lol. It will be a little while before I get the card, maybe a few weeks or a month after Christmas, so who knows what sort of Christmas checks I will get that will change the situation of my budget. But still, the money issue isn't because I don't have it, it is just that I am trying to stick to my original planned budget. You know?


I had been scouring for good prices on a 6600GT model, as those would fall in my price range moreso than any 6800 currently does. Any advice on that choice?


Thanks again.

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Ouch. That's one of the top end cards nowadays though, probably a prime Christmas gift/purchase, similar to Xbox 360s. I agree that now is not the best time to be looking, but here I am, looking. You say in a month it will be better? Is there a typical time of year when graphics cards experience major price drops?


I have read that for CPUs, there is typically a price drop at the end of October, and sure enough, there was one this year too, so I was able to save a bunch on my CPU.

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128-bit memory interface is pretty weak though...


if you don't game very much...then I would say go for a 6600GT (which has only 128-bit memory interface I think) or the X1600 pro linked above


dont be too biased for nvidia over ati...its not worth missing out on a great card over ;)


*I am biased towards neither...I use both because both are great*

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