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Question about AMD Processor...


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Hey guys,


I used the original pasting that came with AMD processor and fan, so I am just curious as to when exactly would I have to buy some paste and restick the fan to the processor?


I haven't done any overclocking thus far.


Thank you.

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Guest Dynamic

First off, i wouldn't use that if i were you. You can get a better contact with a better thermal compound like the Artic Silver 5 that most people use including myself. I have an 3000+ with the original HSF (Cooler) and i'm using the AC5 instead of the paste that came boxed with the processor. Please read some of the sticky's here in the forum to understand how to apply this compound on your IHS (Intergrated Heat Spreader on your processor's core). The AC5 will transfer and make a better contact compared to the paste that comes with your box. I personally would pull it off every 3-4 months or so, and believe me if you are overclocking take your time cause sometimes if it doesn't come off don't pull on it or there goes your IHS. GL!

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if your not overclocking then the thermal paste that came with the proc is def good. if you want to lower your temps then you should get some as5 or other good thermal compound. as5 states it should be replaced after a year or two. the stock pad prolly last that long too.

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Actually the default AMD paste is supposed to be very good. I forgot the maker, but it is a famour one.


Generally you never have to re-apply thermal paste, but there are exceptions.


Some people say that AS5 should be reapplied every so often. Some people say if you once overheated (e.g. fan got stuck) your processor you should reapply it.


But the best thing to do is clearly to install a temperture monitoring program of your choice. if the temperature doesn't go up ever, that is final proof that you don't need to reapply the paste.

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