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Where is my dozer???


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Hey, I work for that company during the summer. The company Thyssen and Krupp, have joined together to form ThyssenKrupp. I know very little about this company other than:

1. Located out of Germany

2. Both the president and Vice president were in very good relations with hilter, i know my

dad knows which war departments they were in charge of if anyone is interested.

3. If your car uses router, or your car is a Ford, the foundry they own in Waupaca, Wisconsin makes your parts.

4. They hate loud music.


Just a little fyi.

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thats one nice heavy equipment, simply amazed! first seen here...


5 people is sufficient to operate from inside - how about outside - probably another 20 is checking the process from outside, not counting the civil/mechanical/electrical/mining/highway engineers - we like to walk around (i am the worst one - civil engineer by trade)


can this behemoth climb any hills? How do you carry it from one place to other (8 miles per day if it moves continuously with constant velocity given that no obstacles on its way) - disassembly/assembly must takes thousands of manhour + equipment!


Not feasible :) Put into matrix 2080 comic book! Its a beauty though!!


EDIT: who finds it on the "google earth" will get my hugs and kisses :)

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If you look real close you will see the operators head, he had a bad day. This is why operating is not for everyone. It is an extremely dangerous job. I saw two 637 scrapers go head on at about 55mph each, one guy was strained through the steering wheel. I was operating a D350D articulated off road dump truck (tires are about 6' tall, hauls 18yds) and went head on with another one at about 45mph on a single lane haul road. Split my liver open internally, broke the other guys arm. Really bad day.....

It happens all the time.

Why we get paid pretty good money



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If that's the head of the dozer driver he's toast. That picture was taken well after the incident happened as evidenced by the position of the machine and the number of vehicles.


The images have been processed too many times to have any original EXIF data to compare date/time stamps and image information.

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Those images were scanned from the original prints, resized, posted on a website (whos name I forget at the moment), downloaded from the website, ressized again, implemented in a PowerPoint document, extracted from the PowerPoint document, resized again, then posted here.


Whew! Now say that three times real fast. :)

If that's the head of the dozer driver he's toast. That picture was taken well after the incident happened as evidenced by the position of the machine and the number of vehicles.


The images have been processed too many times to have any original EXIF data to compare date/time stamps and image information.

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