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Pci Blow Fan

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Not sure, I would be interested in the facts though...I have one right next to my 9700 Pro.



Just did a search...seems it is a matter of opinion. My temps are great running my 2500+ 12 x 180 (2,160Mhz) with NO voltage increases (stock is 11 x 166 or 1,833) and my video at 345 X 315 (stock is 325 x 310) 24/7 My cpu idles @ 36 C and Loads @ 46 C, system temp rearely hits 35 C. Everyday settings 3DMark 2001se.

Edited by Rev.

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LOL! Yeah I like AMD..that is an AMD dude standing over an Intel Dude....Intel is good, I just can't put out $600+ for a motherboard and CPU when I can pay $200 and still beat stock 3.06 Ghz P4's on most CPU tests. Now if I could just get my hands on some faster RAM <_<

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When i put a fan on the side of my case to blow air in over by the video card.. the temp raised..

when I had it sucking air out.. the temp went down quite a bit..

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okay there IS a good way to use them with video cards :) detach them from the back plate, turn fan over, so it's facing down, reatach back plate. place in slot above agp slot if you have one. this way it takes air off the back of the card and gets it out of the case, instead of letting hot air rise into the cpu's area.

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