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Ok first of all I just noticed an Ad that seemed to premote smoking. Now for a site with the majority of the members are under 18 the legal age to buy cigeretes, this just dosent seem approprate. Also the ads ive seen have almost nothing to do with the nature of this website. Now granted I did see ones that had links to stores like newegg for their products. But that was a day ago. What is the deal. The biggest concern I have is the nature of smoking ads. Your premoting it to keeps who are under age. Now their are members who are of age, but the majority of them are teenagers under 18. Im just expresing me conccerns.

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Guys, there is a problem with the banners that are being displayed. These type of banners should NOT be displayed. Some users are seeing the "correct" banners (newegg, hosting banners, ect) while others are seeing something else..


Please reply to this thread and let us know if you're seeing the right banners or not, what web browser you're using, ect..



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Dudes I actully won that. It picked me to win it. what the heck am I gunna do with 50 lbs of lobster. I hate Seafood!  Anyways im glad your doing something because that smoking one was not appropreate

It surely isn't, and I would have taken the banners down sooner if I knew that was the kind being displayed. I for one, am seeing the newegg banners.. I've contacted our advertising company that handles this. They've already breached their contract by showing these type of banners, I'm still waiting to hear their side of it.

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