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Son Of A ___________


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I as just looking at the usernames on one of my servers this evening. and an interesting thing came up. A user I didn't put there. It's only on the PDC (primary domain controller) but that means he could have gone anywhere on the lan from there. the only reason I'm not hunting this person down and ripping thier intestines out is cuz comcast and thier infinte wisdom may have kept him from going far :) this person had to keep logging in because the IP kept changing.

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yeah, got one of those. 3com has a nice one built into thier bigger routers. too bad it didn't catch this one. oh well, I have the IP address he used... the sad part about that IP is I KNOW what computer it is. and I know what network admin is getting a call today to let him know someone is using his server to mask thier IP AGAIN. hell it happened all the time when I worked for the district. I told them novell's security was crap, but did they listen? NO

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and I know what network admin is getting a call today to let him know someone is using his server to mask thier IP AGAIN. hell it happened all the time when I worked for the district. I told them novell's security was crap, but did they listen? NO

Hmm and they are still running netware? The lab at my high school just got rid of all their netware in favor of windows 2000 advanced server boxes.. much more relevant to work on.

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ha, that would cost money.... oh wait, the $$$ that was supposed to go to the IT dept 3 years ago went into a football field (again why couldn't they have built that when I was still there)

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