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I Need Your Help....bad!


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Here's the deal, my mom has this old Dell XPS-T500 workstation that she's been using for a while now. About 2 weeks ago we upgraded her to XP Pro and all went reasonably well. The other night when she went to start it up we ran into some major trouble...


It made it to the XP boot screen, a blue screen popped up for like 1/8th of a second, and then it restarted itself. It'll keep doing this until you just kill the computer. It wouldn't even boot into safe mode, same thing happened. I decided to reload XP Pro, once again it went fine. But, I still have the same exact problem!! It still won't boot into safe mode or start normally.


I replaced the 256MB of RAM that was in it with 2 brand new sticks to no avail. Tried a PCI video card I had laying around to no avail. What's next??


I need your help guys, I'm really stumped and I want to get this thing up and running again.


BTW: It's a P3 500MHz, 256MB RAM, 120GB WD H/D, 20GB IBM H/D, (2) Phillips CD-Rs, NVIDIA 128MB PCI video card.

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I had the same problem before actually... What I did was fully format the HD under dos and format into ntfs with win xp and that solved my problem personally. It shouldn't be the computer because the game room computer is a Gateway p3 500mhz (slot) and it runs xp pro (with 384 ram though). If you're overclocking it may also do that (I can't oc too well with my current comp because of xp bluescreening). Personally I'd stick with win2k b/c you're not going to really recognize much of a performance difference.

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Sorry to get back so late...major crap going on at work today...namely WSBlast virus. I've got a licensed version of 2000 Pro that I'll try and install, do you really think that's our problem? Also, will she notice any comp. issues wth it? TIA!

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Sorry to get back so late...major crap going on at work today...namely WSBlast virus.  I've got a licensed version of 2000 Pro that I'll try and install, do you really think that's our problem?  Also, will she notice any comp. issues wth it?  TIA!

wsblast virus, crap it hit me lastnight. i had an file called wsblast running lastnight in my Proccess folder after i hit Ctrl+alt+del and could not find outwhat it was, my internet would shut off all by itself lastnight and reboot my computer, kept saying my service Remote Procedure call was corupt and needed to re-boot in 60 seconds, the only way around it was to go to my start menu and go to run and type shutdown /a. Also my virus scanner had a warning window pop up and it said a program was altering my virus scanner software and needed to reboot to revert to older file.


I ran a full virus check and it could not find anything, i ran an online virus scanner and it could not find anything, so i booted into win 98 and found t3 files in windows that had the extention of *.exe.rm and deleted them then everything is fine again. my virus scanner could not find it so i found a fixit file from symantec and running it now....

sorry if a rambled on too long.

Edited by william488

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thanks, i did just that and edited my last post it was the virus that i had, still trying to get rid of it this is my second re-boot and re-scan to delete this, this is from my parents, thanks to them, they had it on their computer and i took out their hd and put it in my computer. then i did a virus scanner with older deffinitions and they had over 30 viruses on it and i fixed them all then this crap

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