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7800GT Probs?

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Well I built my computer a little while ago. Everything was running great. I overclocked it was stable at 300x9. Then I decided to bring it back to stock and format and such cause I was getting some artifacts in BF2, atleast I think they were. It would just be like white lines along the outlines of some stuff. Like a tree would have a white outline for a little bit. Also another thing is I would get random lag like I would lose control for a few moments so if I was running foward I would continue running foward even though I wanted to turn. And when it got really bad it would say Problem with Connection, I thought it was the DSL at home but now I'm at school and on whatever it is they have going around campus. So I thought that it might be due to the fact that I overclocked the vid card. Turned down the vid card to stock settings and still got the same problems. So I thought maybe my CPU turned that back to stock still same problems. So I thought maybe since I installed it while overclocked I mighta fudged something up.


SOO I decide to format and install everything with stock speeds. Anyhow I was still getting the same BF2 errors. And now to top it off the heating in my case has gone crazy. For some odd reason (I wasn't over clocked at the time) when I played WoW my vid card would jump up to like 70+. Before it never even really broke a sweat while playing WoW. I haven't changed any of my settings or how my case was wired. Anyhow with the vid card getting that hot the chipset gets pretty hot too. The weather lately hasnt been that hot and at times it was pretty cold. For some reason now my system is running like a few degrees hotter then it use to. Like I use to idle at 29-31 for CPU temp now its more like 33-36.


Anyhow I know it was pretty confusing but I'm getting frustrated with it and I havent had enough sleep after staying up for study for a midterm only to do bad on it lol.


Does anyone know what could be up with my sudden jump in temps in my computer? The one I'm most worried about is the vid card. I dont know what could have caused the jump in temps. As I didn't change anything. Also anyone know what could be wrong with BF2? Oh and now I'm not 300x9 stable for 8+ hours anymore. Could it be RAM?

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haven't done anything to any other component either though, correct?

Have you tried the newest drivers? I have the same card and use the 81.40 (I think) beta drivers and they work great.

I'd suggest to try restoring your computer to a previous, known good date, to rule out any software related things, but you already re-formatted.


I've had bad gaming experience and bad benchmark results lately because my chipset fan is slowing down, and occasionally quitting. I can notice a difference when the chipset gets to 60°C. Does yours get this high? Run SmartGuardian while playing a game, and when the problems arise, alt-tab (or whatever) to the SmartGuardian and check.


I've temporarily solved my chipset heat problem by leaving the side cover off, and blowing a small, but strong fan, directly in. I think the extra air being blown in helps the temp, and also helps to keep that little pos chipset fan going. I have an evercool vc-re to replace it, on the way.

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Well I dont think my chipset fan is crapping out as it was spinning up to like 7k earlier lol... havent noticed the chipset getting that hot. I'm using the latest official drivers I think 78?


Also I just remembered but I have SATA II hitachi drive it use to show the "Remove Hardware thing" for hotswap or whatever but now that is gone any idea why?


Yea well I thought it was alright. I didnt have the problems until now and I haven't changed the way my case was wired. Yea I thought maybe I overclocked too high but I turned everything down to stock

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Is ventilation in your case good? Stuttering and artifacts in games are usually caused by high video card temps or an overclock that is too high. or dodgy drivers. :)


They already know they have a temp issue....



Are all 4 power connectors connected to the board, and also the one directly into the card?

You could try enabling SLI mode on the board by setting all those jumpers, then running your card in the lower slot to see if that helps. It will be a 8x slot instead of 16x, but that won't matter.

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Well I use to artifact in BF2 before the higher temp issues. I dont think it goes above 70 while playing BF2. Just WoW I think (and not just 70... but like upto 74). Yea I got everything plugged in, including the one on the vid card. I guess when I get more free time I'll go through everything nad make sure everything is secure.

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Well I've been playing games with teh case open and a fan blowing directly on it on high. It runs pretty cool on like BF2 (>55) but whenever I open up WoW it hits like 60. I still get the artifact problem in BF2 thuogh. Also if I'm like playing music while playing BF2 when I get the stuttering/lag problem (Problem with Connection) it stops the music too.

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