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Monitoring CPU temperature and voltage on an SLI-Infinity

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I'm running an X2 3800 on a DFI SLi-Infinity board. I want to monitor my CPU temps and voltage but i'm having trouble finding something to do this accurately. I've tried the usual apps, MBM5, smartguardian etc, but they aren't particularly helpful. With MBM5, I can't tell which one is my CPU temp. Theres two that are fairly stable, one at 36 degrees, one at 49 degrees, and the third jumps anywhere from 6 degrees to about 30.


On smartguardian, the 36 and 49 degree temps are listed as the other two, and the jumping one comes up as my CPU temp.


Anyone got any ideas how to fix this?


Also, how does this particular board display voltage? Does it under/overvolt in certain circumstances? My bios has CPU voltage set to 1.32. I set it to 1.40 and the reaction is mixed. In the bios it still lists it as 1.32, speedfan has it at 1.38-1.39 and MBM5 has it at 1.36.


Any ideas there?





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The 36 would be your CPU and the 49 is your chipset... I'm a fan of mbm5 myself. If your having trouble with it, there's a great thread over here with information on how to get it set up. Unless you're planning on overclocking, there's no reason to take the cpu voltage off auto. Mine sits at 1.36 on mbm5 (set to auto).

BTW, you're going to want to flash to the latest official bios unless you have 6/23 already.

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X2's run hot. These temperatures i'm quoting at the moment are overclocked fully and at 100% CPU load.


Right now my chip is at 2.7 ghz (from 2.0 stock) at 1.4 volts.


I'll check my bios after this burn in session, its whatever came with the board when I bought it 2 weeks ago.


I'd still like some more info on this temperature thats bouncing up and down, considering smartguardian thinks thats my CPU temp.



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I figured you were talking at idle, because those temps are pretty low actually. I'd imagine that 49 would be your cpu, the 36 would be your chipset, and the other is your PWMIC temp. What's the temp of the room you have it in, and what type of cooling are you using? Mine hangs at 34 cpu, 38 pwmic, and 48 chipset WHEN IDLE, so you're far from being too hot if that's what you're worried about.

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Well, i'm really pushing the overclocks.


i'm on stock heatsink at the moment, just playing with the chip. Watercooling coming soon =)


Im not entirely sure what ambient is atm, its probably about 18-20 degrees, reasonably cool.


I'd just really like an accurate representation.



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