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Booting Problems


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Ok, my 40 gig HD boots fine! When i take that out and put in my old 20gb (with winME on it) then it just says "Searching for boot device from IDE-0...Not Found"


Also, i can boot from the cd-rom drive simply and easily when i have no HD in or the 40 gig, but when i put the 20 gig in, it asks if i wanna boot from HD or CD-Rom, if i click CD-Rom then my computer freezes!


The 20gig HD boots fine from my Pentium 1, its my new AMD it won't boot from! What could be the problem and how can i fix it?


Also, if i get the 20 gig working, i want to dual boot with windows XP Home (40gb) and Windows 2000 Pro (20gig)! I know its possible, i just don't know how...aparently winXP has a built in dual boot, but i have no clue how it works!

Could someone help me out here?

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If your sharing the same IDE cable you MUST have one device set as master and the other slave. THIS IS A MUST.

No i wasn't sharing them, i unplugged my 40gig completely (power and ide cable) and moved them both over to the 20 gig! Then i start up my computer, change the bios settings for the new HD, and it doesn't find the boot sector thingy!


I also tried setting the jumped to cable select....no luck there either!

So basically, at the moment it sounds like ive got a wasted 20 giger :(

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Well if all that didn't work... try to go into bios settings and change the 1st, 2nd and 3rd boot device to IDE-0, IDE-1 and IDE-2 so it searches for all of them, helped me once. But it should be set to master if its the only one there.


Hard drives are the hardest thing to get working from my experience, everything else installs fine but when theres no OS to work from its mighty hard.

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