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Smartguardian [DFI special]

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I'm sorry, but SMartGuardian does not work on the X64 Edition.


You'll need to use MBM5, Speedfan, or Everest.

P.S. MBM 5 uses the FEWEST resources.


Found that MBM setting up -thread and using it now, back to the good old MBM :cool:

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Cannot get the CPU Fan or Intake Fan to display. It just shows zeros. (See attached.) I have an XP-90 with a Panaflo plugged right into the cpu_fan header on the motherboard. Any ideas?

Sorry guy's for the late react,


Have this CPU fan a rpm sensor? :confused:


How can i Line this up?


For the NAME in the Voltage section edit 'smart.ini' [Label Option 3] ... [Label Option 11]




[Label Option 3]

Caption=CPU <---------------- NAME







Top=3060 <------------------- Location

Left=200 <-------------------- idem





For DATA field in the Voltage section edit 'smart.ini' [VIN0] ... [VIN8]




[VIN0] 'CPU Data

Top=3050 <------------------- Location

Left=1210 <------------------- idem


DefaultTemp=150 'Orig. 150mV, compensate here CPU=Default ...mV




Hope this help :)

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I cant get my SG to change System fan speed, both the others work fine, any ideas guys?

Have this System Fan a sense wire? and is this (at last the single sense wire) connected to the Fan connector on the mobo? :rolleyes:


and for the dfi nf4 sli-dr expert ? can use the same for sli-dr ?



I think so, but give it a try and please let me know if it not working correct. :)

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I cant get my SG to change System fan speed, both the others work fine, any ideas guys?

Have this System Fan a sense wire? and is this (at last the single sense wire) connected to the Fan connector on the mobo? :rolleyes:


and for the dfi nf4 sli-dr expert ? can use the same for sli-dr ?



I think so, but give it a try and please let me know if it not working correct. :)




what do i need to do to add my name and a small gfx picture to my version of smartguardian, the only problem i have is that the cpu fan isnt working but the intake and exh fan is working..


My motherboard is the dfi nf4 ultra infinity version.

Load 'smart.ini' file with Notepad or other text editor, search the text you like to replace that for your name.

Replace or improve the 'logo.bmp' file for the one you like, keep the same size and name.

What about the CPU Fan, at last the 'Fan sensor wire' need connected to the mobo CPU fan connector. ;)


quick question, i downloaded joops version and it looks and works great, but where it says "exh. fan", shouldnt that be my chipset fan?? when i adjusted it, the noise in my case was quieter and i believe my chipset and vidcard fans are the loudest in my case. just wondering if "exh. fan" means chipset fan.

Maybe, I have not hear before, reason i make this with the 'DFI LP UT nF3 250GB',

Btw, if so you can change this 'Exh. Fan' text with Notepad in 'smart.in'

please let me know your findings so i can change that in the next version to. :)

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ok, when you go into option in smartguardian, and go over to the chipset fan options, whenever i adjust between low and high or at what temperature the fan is on at full, the number below "Exh. Fan" increases or decreases with it. that is the reason i think it is the chipset fan. i can definitely hear a fan speed increase or decrease when this number changes and most people complain about the "loud" chipset fan on the nF4 boards. that is my reason for believing it was mislabled. can anyone else take 2 minutes to support this theory with me?

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  • 2 months later...

yes you can change "the mad overclocker" by going into C:Program FilesITESmart Guardian and going into the smart.ini, scroll down until you see where it says "the mad overclocker" and just delete it and put what you want, i did that and it worked. make sure to save the original smart.ini to a different name though in case you fudge it up or something lol. and to get rid of those pictures its the same thing, i believe they are more to the top, and you just delete the text for them and they should be gone.


p.s. im not responsible if you do something that messes it up lol, and if so just reload it off the cd or redownload it.

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